3rd party CA problems/Questions

I am still working through this as time permits. I have had some more success. Now I just need a push in the right direction. I have

a) Loaded up a 3rd party CA
b) Verified the 3rd party CA
c) Created a 3rd party certificate that is on the client machine
d) downloaded the JWT token to enroll said 3rd party certificate

I am trying to achieve the 3rd party Autoenroll configuration. Now, I have run ziti edge enroll --cert cert.pem --key server.key --jwt autoenroll.jwt --out id.json and that does enroll the identity into ZAC - Yippee…

However, I want to enroll the certificate (identity) into ZEDW and have it loaded, and that is where I get stuck. I cannot see a command to load the id.json file into ZEDW, either through the GUI, or preferably through the command line.

If I drop the ziti.exe line, and replace it with

c:\Program Files (x86)\NetFoundry, Inc\Ziti Desktop Edge>"c:\Program Files (x86)\NetFoundry, Inc\Ziti Desktop Edge\ziti-edge-tunnel.exe" enroll --cert cert.pem --key server.key --jwt autoenroll.jwt

I get StartServiceCtrlDispatcher failed (1063) and goes no further. I looked at the instructions on the video, and you start the ziti-edge-tunnel from the command line and pass the json through the command line. However I have a running ZEDW that I want to add the .json or enroll through the command line into ZEDW

What mistake have I done?

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