If you really wanted to use the “Default Admin” user (e.g. Identity which has attribute “isDefaultAdmin” == true), then you could certainly do that with the default updb
authenticator that is created as follows:
function edge_management_cert_login {
curl -sSL \
--request POST \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--url https://"$controller_ip":"$controller_port"/edge/management/v1/authenticate?method=password \
--data '{"username": "admin", "password": [password]"}'
To be clear, I prefer not to use the default admin user, but instead create a new user with admin priviledges (will have attribute "isAdmin": true
, but "isDefaultAdmin": false
visible in GET /identitites
). To create these, run:
ziti edge create identity user [my_admin] --admin --jwt-output-file my_admin_enrollment.jwt
By default, these create a cert
based authenticator, not a updb
based one.
If you wanted to still use updb
insetad in this fashion, do:
ziti edge create identity user [my_admin] --admin --updb [my_admin] --jwt-output-file my_admin_enrollment.jwt
# You can use -p to pass the password, but you will be prompted otherwise
ziti edge enroll ./my_admin_enrollment.jwt