Connection to wss failed in BrowZer

The browser will try to make a connection to your web socket enabled router. Let's use my self-hosted ziti/zrok/browzer for an example

My controller reports:

cat /dev/null | \
openssl s_client -connect 2>&1 | \
openssl x509 -text | grep 'DNS:'
      , DNS:ip-172-31-11-231, DNS:localhost, IP Address:

But when I connect to the websocket enabled router (note I need to send ALPN here):

cat /dev/null | \
openssl s_client -connect -alpn http/1.1 2>&1 | \
openssl x509 -text | grep 'DNS:'

So the connection that your browser needs to think is valid is to your router. For me that's this url -- you can hit this too:


Notice I get back a 404 and the certificate is valid. So THAT cert is the chain that your browser/OS needs to trust.Also recall that this is the same as the 'address' in the config under listener->binding(edge)->wss section...

In my case, I used LetsEncrypt. My edge router's identity section has an "alt_server_certs" section. Yours might too, I don't think it's strictly necessary in this case since you'll be instructing your OS/browser to trust YOUR ca...

Whatever cert chain comes back from your local wss router port is the chain you need to trust. hope that helps...

Thanks a lot. I solved the problem.

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AMAZING! Happy to hear. Are you interested in perhaps blogging about your experience or writing up a "how to do local dev" markdown for the repo to help the next person? I've not done it myself, it'd be cool to see...

Regardless, happy to hear you got things all sorted! Cheers