Deploy Ziti tunnel in public node and other apps in private nodes

Sorry for the cross post with this thread. linking if somones interested in the future.

  • ALL other OpenZiti equipment can be deployed in private address space, with private ips and with DENY ALL INBOUND firewall rules.
  1. controller "in the public"
  2. at least one router in the same address space of the controller "in the public"
  3. "in the public" means, has public routable address/ip and allows inbound connections
  4. other routers or tunnels don't need to allow inbound connectoins, but do need outbound connections

This so far makes sense to me.

I guess my long shot question is if its feasible to only host the tunnel / router in the public subnet 2 . And somehow intercept/route traffic from the private subnet 2 through the router/tunnel in public subnet 2.
I'm not sure if my question makes complete sense. Or if this is even in the scope of what ziti can do.

Perhaps this is a case for using some sort of proxy to control traffic from private nodes to go through public node so that it can join the ziti network through the tunnel/router running there. Any clue if such a pattern like this make sense? Has there been such a pattern like this?

Thank you for the help!