Problems with Docker Compose setup and Minecraft Example

oh so you were using Bedrock! I didn’t think you could host your own!? Can you point me at how you started it up?? I’ll give that a shot.

Sounds like you got TCP / Java working though, that’s cool

I was able to get Bedrock running over UDP as well. Here’s the exact set of steps I ran to accomplish it:


export SERVER_DEVICE_NAME="jruiz.bedrock.server"
export PORT=19132

ziti edge create identity device ${SERVER_DEVICE_NAME} -o ${SERVER_DEVICE_NAME}.jwt -a "${SERVER_DEVICE_NAME}.clients,${SERVER_DEVICE_NAME}.hosts"

ziti edge create config ${SERVER_DEVICE_NAME}.hostv1 host.v1 '{"protocol":"udp", "address":"localhost","port":'${PORT}'}'
ziti edge create config ${SERVER_DEVICE_NAME}.interceptv1 intercept.v1 '{"protocols":["udp"],"addresses":["'${SERVER_DEVICE_NAME}'.ziti"], "portRanges":[{"low":'${PORT}', "high":'${PORT}'}]}'
ziti edge create service ${SERVER_DEVICE_NAME} --configs "${SERVER_DEVICE_NAME}.hostv1,${SERVER_DEVICE_NAME}.interceptv1"
ziti edge create service-policy "${SERVER_DEVICE_NAME}.bind" Bind --service-roles "@${SERVER_DEVICE_NAME}" --identity-roles "#${SERVER_DEVICE_NAME}.hosts"
ziti edge create service-policy "${SERVER_DEVICE_NAME}.dial" Dial --service-roles "@${SERVER_DEVICE_NAME}" --identity-roles "#${SERVER_DEVICE_NAME}.clients"

You’ll see I used YOUR commands exactly with the one difference that I have used the SAME identity as both the “host” and the “client” for testing. OpenZiti can allow you to do that, and it makes it a lot easier to test as long as you don’t try to intercept the same address you’re sending the traffic to. Since I used “localhost” - like you did, that’s not a problem.

Some things I noticed when doing it:

  • I like to tail my logs (using WSL in windows) to see what is happening. When I do that, when it works, you clearly will see these two log messages:
    • [2023-02-04T00:46:59.170Z] INFO tunnel-cbs:ziti_tunnel_ctrl.c:686 on_service() starting intercepting for service[jruiz.bedrock.server]
    • [2023-02-04T00:48:11.713Z] INFO tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:610 on_hosted_client_connect() hosted_service[jruiz.bedrock.server], client[jruiz.bedrock.server] dst_addr[udp:jruiz.bedrock.server.ziti:19132]: incoming connection

This is showing me/you that the tunneler (ZDEW) intercepted the serivce Jruiz.bedrock.server, it went out to the OpenZiti overlay network, and came back down to the same client (the ‘incoming connection’ log)

When at the “Additional Servers” menu, a “ziti-enabled” Minecraft server won’t have a ping shown I found that both pretty neat, but also somewhat of a bummer since ping time is important. OpenZiti doesn’t support ICMP at this time, and it seems minecraft is using ICMP ping to do ‘ping time’


After Testing with One Identity…

After making sure it worked with a single identity, I then removed the ‘dial’ ability from the server using:

ziti edge update identity ${SERVER_DEVICE_NAME} -a ${SERVER_DEVICE_NAME}.hosts

Then I created a new “client” identity:

export CLIENT_DEVICE_NAME="jruiz.bedrock.client"
ziti edge create identity user ${CLIENT_DEVICE_NAME} -o ${CLIENT_DEVICE_NAME}.jwt -a "${SERVER_DEVICE_NAME}.clients"

enrolled the jwt into my local ZDEW:

Turned Minecraft on, and it all kept working.

So we know it’ll work, we’re now back to diagnosing other problem. I had to run CheckNetIsolation.exe LoopbackExempt –a –p=S-1-15-2-1958404141-86561845-1752920682-3514627264-368642714-62675701-733520436 to get the app to work.

Perhaps you didn’t run that on the ‘other’ windows machine?

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That's quite clever I didn't think of that, that makes testing super quick since I don't need another computer :smiley:

Yeah haha me too, but the path to the logs is a little long so sometimes I just go there directly using explorer.

I can confirm that I'm seeing these 2 exact messages to, so I assume my setup is working as intended.

Nice to know, I was curious about this because I noticed that with my local IP ( I could connect but it won't show the ping either.

Okay so this is something I forgot to mention in the DM i sent to you. I already did this because initially it didn't work in localhost but I forgot, sorry about that. If I run:

AdminPowershell > CheckNetIsolation.exe LoopbackExempt -s

*some text in spanish since my windows is in spanish and i don't know what it says here in english*

[1] -----------------------------------------------------------------
    Name: 001
    SID:  S-1-15-2-3624051433-2125758914-1423191267-1740899205-1073925389-3782572162-737981194-4256926629-1688279915-2739229046-3928706915

[2] -----------------------------------------------------------------
    Name: AppContainer NOT FOUND
    SID:  S-1-15-2-3624051433-2125758914-1423191267-1740899205-1073925389-3782572162-737981194-4043415302-551583165-304772019-4009825106

[3] -----------------------------------------------------------------
    Name: microsoft.minecraftuwp_8wekyb3d8bbwe
    SID:  S-1-15-2-1958404141-86561845-1752920682-3514627264-368642714-62675701-733520436

You can see I've already have added the Minecraft to the LoopbackExempt list thing

However, even doing all of this I still can't connect, I don't know why, even using the setup with one single identity you mentioned. I'm looking at Windows Firewall but I'm almost 100% sure that I've allowed the Minecraft app through it and I have opened the ports

This is what I see in my inbound rules

I've checked that it can be used in all domains of networks (private and public)

Then I've also added the .exe file

Also in my outbound rules there is Minecraft for Windows 10:

And I've allowed everything there too.

Sooooo I don't know. For me it's still a win because I can see in the logs that the traffic is being routed through the OpenZiti network, which is what I wanted in the end :slight_smile: But thanks a lot for the extra help regarding this, I really appreciate it :blush:

Btw as I was writing the above message, I even checked if the ziti networks were public or private. They were public so I changed them to private to test also that, still doesn’t work. I dunno man, I’m running out of ideas, this Windows of mine is trolling me >:(

That's definitely a bummer. The last thing you can do to just prove once and for all that once windows (or minecraft) stops trolling you, you will be able to get things working...

I wrote a small powershell utility that will help prove/verify everything is working over UDP which is kinda hard to test via Windows... You can download the "udp-server.ps1" from this link if you are interested in proving that your UDP service is working and SEEING it work.

Usage is simple, you might (probably?) have to run this command to run it: set-executionpolicy remotesigned after you download it.

Here's how you can try it out... Run all your OpenZiti overlay stuff as you have it. On the computer where you have the server and the identity both serving as the "client" and the "server" open two powershell windows and then:

  • download the script using:

    iwr -OutFile udp-server.ps1

  • source the script:

    . .\udp-server.ps1

  • in the 'server' powershell window run:

    Start-UDP-Server -Port 19132

  • in the 'client' powershell window run:

    Test-UDP-Client -Server localhost -Port 19132

  • in the 'client' powershell type "make sure it works[enter]" and you'll see it relayed to the 'server'

  • stop the 'client' and now do the same thing but use the intercept address, in my case that's "minecraft.bedrock.ziti" so I ran:

    Test-UDP-Client -Server minecraft.bedrock.ziti -Port 19132

  • in the 'client' powershell type: "works over ziti" and you'll see it relayed to the 'server'

  • look in the logs and you'll see those log statements if you want, but if you see it relayed we know it worked. Do note tha the logged port should change

Here's a gif of me doing this if you need it:

unrelated - Java doesn't use 'ping'

I also noticed that on Java version, they don't use ping for the ping time

Dangit, it’s not working, I thought it was the Minecraft server but yeah this doesn’t work either. You can check the gif below.


I’ve also tried from another computer (not in the gif) in my LAN using the local ip address and it worked, but using the OpenZiti tunnel for some reason it doesn’t work.

Is it possible for some reason for Windows to block incoming connections only coming from the OpenZiti tunnel? And only UDP? Seems super weird to me…

Question, is it needed to open the port 3022 on UDP apart from TCP in the Oracle Cloud Instance? I’ve only opened port 3022 on TCP, I’m not sure if that might affect or not…

Well that’s good that means there’s something else to check out / test. You don’t have any other VPN type software installed do you? Windows Defender/firewall does track UDP and TCP.

The clients will connect to the edge router over that port (3022) TCP. Even though we can intercept both tcp/udp, right now the transport is always over a persistent TCP stream. So if you intercept UDP, is still transits the OpenZiti overlay via TCP.

Can you shoot me over your tunneler logs from the Windows ZDEW (found at C:\Program Files (x86)\NetFoundry, Inc\Ziti Desktop Edge\logs\service\ziti-tunneler.log)?

You’ve proven that the port is open and that it would work when it’s not over ziti, there is likely something small wrong now.

My defender setup for ‘bedrock’. You can see there’s a “TCP” and a “UDP” rule

Same over here, I think

It sounds like your firewall is not getting in the way although you can turn it off to be sure. Have you tried disabling your anti virus in case that is killing the connection?

This was a really difficult issue to track down. @jruiz94 and I were chatting back and forth in a Minecraft server I had stood up and sent him an identity for…

He eventually sent me a feedback log and I noticed in there one small line with server[udp:::1:19132] connected which I immediately wondered if IPv6 was getting in the way.

It seems that IPv6 was the problem! He was able to use the udp-server.ps1 to test UDP successfully by changing the host.v1 from using localhost to using either or 192.168.x.x. I personally turn IPv6 support off on my Windows machine because I’ve had it cause issues like this in the past for me, which is why it worked for me…

Since he was able to test UDP successfully using that tool, I think he’ll be successful at using minecraft. We’ll wait for a follow up!

Hey! So yeah, as @TheLumberjack said, we were chatting in his Minecraft Server trying to sort this out… and after trying a couple things, lowering the log level to debug, getting killed by a Creeper and letting @TheLumberjack parse the advanced logs… we concluded it was the IPV6.

Since I set up the service config using localhost apparently it resolved using IPV6 and that didn’t quite work. I’ve been having these IPV6 problems because of my internet service provider. For some reason it defaults to IPV6 for some stuff, I also had tons of problems in the laptop i use for work because of this.

The fix was to change the service to use instead (I think the LAN ip 192.168.x.x would also have worked) so IPV4 is forced.

I know I’ve already said this a gazillion times, but thanks for all the support. It’s been super fun and amazing to have this fixed with you guys :heart: I’ll see you around with, hopefully, “easier fixes” hahahah


P.S.: If you’re a visitor reading this forum post please give some stars to the OpenZiti Github repo, these nice folks totally deserve them and more!!