Ziti-edge-controller url

Hi @oksanassss, welcome to the community and to OpenZiti!

This behavior is actually expected at this time. When OpenZiti controllers are configured, they need to know what address they are expected to be reached at. This address is REALLY important and you need to have it set correctly when the containers/controller initialize.

This forum user provided a set of steps a while ago that would help you out How-to Start an OpenZiti Simple Instance with Docker Compose

Specifically, setting these variables is really important:


You will probably want to just down -v your compose project so you can let the quickstart regenerate the files you need.

Hope that helps

EDIT: I noticed the edge router address isn't in there, I need to find that variable too. I'll find it and edit. That needs to be set too

Found in the default .env file: https://get.openziti.io/dock/.env