I am currently experimenting with ext-jwt-signer setup. I am seeing what appears to be a spurious error message in the controller log when authenticating an identity. Seeing the same message against both Auth0 and Oracle IDCS as JWT signers:
curl -s -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" \
--cert pki/certs/2faclient.cert \
--key pki/keys/2faclient.key \
--cacert pki/certs/2faclient.pem \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat etc/mytoken.tok)" \
https://localhost:8441/edge/client/v1/authenticate?method=ext-jwt | jq -r '.data.token' > etc/2faclient.tok
[ 15.170] ERROR ziti/controller/env.(*AppEnv).getJwtTokenFromRequest: {error=[token is unverifiable: error while executing keyfunc: key for kid SIGNING_KEY, not found]} error during JWT parsing during API request
The auth appears to succeed. The etc/2faclient.tok
contains the session token. A subsequent command against /edge/client/v1/current-api-session
shows an empty list in the authQueries
attribute. A further lookup of /edge/client/v1/services
also shows the service that the client is authorized for by policy.