Absolutely. I've run everything with manual docker commands (docker run). I prefer this over compose, for reasons that I probably can't explain. I'm not running docker with Windows at all - it's 100% Linux. Windows is my target client, and then Android. So, the hosts file I've edited is on a remote Windows machine.
In my working (but not ideal scenario) I am running the controller like so:
docker run \
--name ziti-controller \
-e ZITI_CTRL_EDGE_ADVERTISED_ADDRESS=ziti-edge-controller \
--network plexnet \
--network-alias ziti-controller \
--network-alias ziti-edge-controller \
-p 1280:1280 \
-it \
--rm \
-v /data/containers/ziti:/persistent \
openziti/quickstart \
And the edge router like so:
docker run \
--name ziti-edge-router-1 \
-e ZITI_ROUTER_NAME=ziti-edge-router-1 \
-e ZITI_ROUTER_ADVERTISED_ADDRESS=ziti-edge-router-1 \
--network plexnet \
--network-alias ziti-edge-router-1 \
-p 3022:3022 \
-it \
--rm \
-v /data/containers/ziti:/persistent \
openziti/quickstart \
/var/openziti/scripts/run-router.sh edge
Following the instructions for Docker, I also initialize the controller (every time I delete the files) like this:
docker run \
--network plexnet \
--network-alias ziti-controller-init-container \
--name ziti-controller_init \
-it \
--rm \
-v /data/containers/ziti/:/persistent \
openziti/quickstart \
/var/openziti/scripts/run-with-ziti-cli.sh /var/openziti/scripts/access-control.sh
I also have a container for ZAC, but that's not too releveant yet, so I will omit it.
If I create an identity, and add "ziti-edge-controller" to my remote Windows' host file I can connect with that identity.
So, my next step is to extend this to work externally without the host file addition.
From what I read, I thought it would be just something like:
However, attempts to do that completely fail when it comes to certificate generation during the init phase.
I hope I've generated enough information that this makes sense.
I'm happy to elaborate. Thank you for your time.