Add identity to new conatiner in docker-compose quickstart

Hi there,

im trying to understand the concept of creating and using an identity for another container that I have added in the docker-compose quickstart as outlined at:

If I want to add an ubuntu server container to the docker-compose quickstart by e.g. adding below to docker-compose.yml file:

image: ubuntu:latest
privileged: true
- ziti-blue-ubuntu
command: sleep infinity

Do I then need to add another container using "image: openziti/ziti-host" etc to host an identity for this if I want to allow it to access e.g. the blue webpage etc ?

Of can I just create the tunneler on my new ubuntu container ?

I may not be explaining this correctly as im not understanding the process on the helppage above



Let's say you've got a compose service like this with a web server on 1080/tcp inside the compose network, and you want it to be the target of a Ziti service so you can reach it from anywhere with Ziti.

    image: ubuntu:latest
    privileged: true
              - ziti-blue-ubuntu
      - 1080
    command: python -m http.server --bind 1080

    image: openziti/ziti-host

The env var is the JSON you get from enrolling the identity, not a path to the file, but there's a way in that article you linked to mount a file instead if you prefer that.

With the new ziti-host running you can create a Ziti service that targets your ubuntu server. They're on the same "bridge" network, so the target address of the server is ubuntu-server-blue:1080 (or ziti-blue-ubuntu:1080). That's what you put in your Ziti service config (where to send the service's traffic).

Thaks you,

Do you mean:

I add below to the .env file from the quickstart docker compose and add the output of the string value of the identity.jwt that I created to that :

ZITI_IDENTITY_JSON=jljfofjifuwiodfjwlf etc

Does the jwt file have to be put somehwere like with a regular linux server in the container - ```

Then just create this ziti-host container and bring the all up and it should enroll : 
    image: openziti/ziti-host

is the ziti-host container an example or required for all containers as a way of setting this up as im still unclear after reading the web page documentation 



I hear you. You're starting with a JWT. I assumed incorrectly you already used the JWT to get an identity JSON.

That's OK because the ziti-host container can do it for you if you mount a volume like this.

    image: openziti/ziti-host
      - ziti-host-id:/ziti-edge-tunnel
      - ZITI_ENROLL_TOKEN="eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImRkNDRkMzYwM2Y0YmIyMjFiYmE0OTVjM2RiNjJkMjBlMmUyNjI2NzIiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2VkZ2UuYmluZ25ldC5jbG91ZDo1MyIsInN1YiI6InpVUEc5N2o2ViIsImF1ZCI6WyIiXSwiZXhwIjoxNzIwNjQ1MDU0LCJqdGkiOiI0N2JhNjhlMC0xYTc1LTQ0YWYtOWE4Ni1hODFlODM4Y2IyNzIiLCJlbSI6Im90dCIsImN0cmxzIjpudWxsfQ.awYECW3bs2fiYtowZi5FQV5CBgLY7ZJWhyPYGWRUrLrBPGKjzgGylmbPXKZye01tdddIKL5Wgp0itmUguB89UpqC00qSwk3QWqB7pRbg323wGiw8vW-qY7IT0biDND_JcnJt_QpKPbfBIxlSaRTpzoScrLJN7NRiuJ2auCBBU4YxOsLWacb_exLIOGoNqUPE6hsCQsUhDPcZy7_ZrYPJ0_lUfRp-XZBlMWYky6pfK1OYsGqki5d4Km8VorcC9VWewiJa5QvQhPavZrDvXcTzI7iT5E0DvWhVjNg9lp7ygTDD1YRFSzy05x30Pfjsj2Wt_TZyo0IlLT4WcCdR4fMEwbBC2HaiJXdkZzbO70d7iv38usI_Pk4CVnM2Mk5wheVNMAWBPG8Rlzf8mnjduACb0SnsMztrNpYFgsw46GyYKkhyXqieAVqskNQi0mvwBDuV2-BRY-KTranHGwEMQbU8NI8xWS3PLQkpSh-7PLQqBHyY88EA6CajX1reI_G_nFzyUChcVdZ03AGFdQXpWVxoZjfuxjVP7lXQdwNFyJGSVNdiR8WMrB9ZTp5Yw7zFxzC7wvugyJvvzsjdSsTGhKzDWs3emFHIU7K8YvHLM0ttJwV3xIAuNBVDDctMMzsCKlXFGK-d0hBQR57dqvD77iRYCwuInu3qtW_zQaFHOA2UM-Q"


On first run, ziti-host will get the JSON and save it in /ziti-edge-tunnel and start up immediately. On the next run, it will find and load the identity from the same place.

Im still getting errors when I add above to my docker-compose.yaml file (using the jwt I generated from the console) and it will not enroll :

col@Ubu4:~/Desktop/docker/docker2$ docker compose logs --tail 100 ziti-host
ziti-host-1 | WARN: clobbering non-empty Ziti enrollment token file /ziti-edge-tunnel/ziti_id.jwt with contents of env var ZITI_ENROLL_TOKEN
ziti-host-1 | DEBUG: waiting 3s for /ziti-edge-tunnel/ziti_id.json (or token) to appear
ziti-host-1 | DEBUG: identity file /ziti-edge-tunnel/ziti_id.json not found
ziti-host-1 | DEBUG: /var/run/secrets/ not found
ziti-host-1 | DEBUG: /enrollment-token/ziti_id.jwt not found
ziti-host-1 | INFO: enrolling /ziti-edge-tunnel/ziti_id.jwt
ziti-host-1 | (7)[ 0.000] INFO ziti-sdk:utils.c:201 ziti_log_set_level() set log level: root=3/INFO
ziti-host-1 | (7)[ 0.000] INFO ziti-sdk:utils.c:172 ziti_log_init() Ziti C SDK version 1.0.4 @g1ef8211(HEAD) starting at (2024-07-13T16:13:18.469)
ziti-host-1 | (7)[ 0.000] INFO ziti-sdk:ziti_enroll.c:90 ziti_enroll() Ziti C SDK version 1.0.4 @g1ef8211(HEAD) starting enrollment at (2024-07-13T16:13:18.480)
ziti-host-1 | (7)[ 0.000] ERROR ziti-sdk:ziti_enroll.c:123 ziti_enroll() /__w/ziti-tunnel-sdk-c/ziti-tunnel-sdk-c/build/_deps/ziti-sdk-c-src/library/ziti_enroll.c:105 - load_jwt(opts->jwt, ecfg, &ecfg->zejh, &ecfg->zej) => -4 (JWT has invalid format)
ziti-host-1 | (7)[ 0.000] ERROR ziti-edge-tunnel:ziti-edge-tunnel.c:2221 enroll_cb() enrollment failed: enroll failed(-4)
ziti-host-1 | ERROR: failed to enroll with token from /ziti-edge-tunnel/ziti_id.jwt (1001B)

im using the docker compose quickstart from here below with just a few other services added which start up ok (I have not done anything with openziti identities/enrollments etc on these yet though):

Ive deleted and recreated the jwt token and its the same problem - just shows as unregistered in the ziti console :

It looks like you're doing everything right, but there's a problem with the format of staffubu's enrollment one-time token. Let's narrow possible causes for this enrollment error from ziti-edge-tunnel enroll command that was run by the entrypoint script.

  1. The error may have disclosed the precise problem, a malformed token (JWT). You can verify that it is roughly the correct format just by glancing as the long, literal string. It should be three base64 encodings on a single line separated by stop characters (., a period). If that much looks correct, then you can paste the token in to ensure it can be parsed. Finally, you can load the token as a string or as a file in this Python script to analyze it offline in greater detail. Common problems include getting tokens mixed up and loading an expired token or a token of the wrong type that was meant for a router, for example.

  2. Next, verify that staffubu's device can reach the client API. The URL is in the token as claim "iss" (issuer). That's where staffubu calls out to enroll, and uses that API's server certificate to verify the token signature, so it's essential that the client API is not behind a TLS proxy.

  1. Ive created the JWT Token inside the ZAC gui if that makes any difference and looks ok from what I can see - ive done this a few times now - although it has "invalid signature" at bottom if thats the problem - see screenshot below

2. Ive created an ubuntu server in my docker compose file like so if thats what you mean? :

image: ubuntu:latest
privileged: true
- ziti-blue-ubuntu
command: sleep infinity

The jwt file I have is:

Ive logged into the staffubu server and was able to download the webpage after using --no-check-certificate option:

root@4fd46c71cacf:/# wget https://ziti-edge-controller:1280
--2024-07-14 23:36:27-- https://ziti-edge-controller:1280/
Resolving ziti-edge-controller (ziti-edge-controller)...
Connecting to ziti-edge-controller (ziti-edge-controller)||:1280... connected.
ERROR: cannot verify ziti-edge-controller's certificate, issued by 'CN=ziti-edge-controller-intermediate,OU=ADV-DEV,O=NetFoundry,L=Charlotte,C=US':
Self-signed certificate encountered.
To connect to ziti-edge-controller insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate'.
root@4fd46c71cacf:/# ls
bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
root@4fd46c71cacf:/# wget https://ziti-edge-controller:1280 --no-check-certificate
--2024-07-14 23:36:58-- https://ziti-edge-controller:1280/
Resolving ziti-edge-controller (ziti-edge-controller)...
Connecting to ziti-edge-controller (ziti-edge-controller)||:1280... connected.
WARNING: cannot verify ziti-edge-controller's certificate, issued by 'CN=ziti-edge-controller-intermediate,OU=ADV-DEV,O=NetFoundry,L=Charlotte,C=US':
Self-signed certificate encountered.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 513 [application/json]
Saving to: 'index.html'

index.html 100%[===============================================================================================================>] 513 --.-KB/s in 0s

2024-07-14 23:36:58 (100 MB/s) - 'index.html' saved [513/513]

If I might interject here, can we go back to the start on this for a moment? I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to do. Back on the OP you wrote:

Can you help me understand what it is you're trying to do? Are you trying to allow access TO your ubuntu-server-blue container from outside the blue network, or are you trying to access a resource elsewhere on the OpenZiti overlay FROM the ubuntu-server-blue container?

The linked post you shared makes me think the latter, but I'd like to make sure I actually understand. Would you be able to mock up the diagram and just illustrate what you're trying to do?

Hi, thank you both for the help

Basically if you take the diagram below that you published:


In the Blue Network, I want to add in another web server so there are two web servers in there. Im also adding in two ubuntu servers so that one will have access to one web server only and the other will have access to the other webserver only - all within the Blue network.

Im trying to simulate an environment where say there is an "admin" department (the blue network) and certain users will have access to certain services in that admin department - but not necessarily everything in the admin department

Then the "Staff" department (Red Network) would have its own services on a different network - again with different levels of access e.g. sales users with access to sales servers, marketing with access to marketing servers etc ..

Going back to the Blue network and trying to follow the docker-compose documentation, I assumed I would need to have a tunneler on the ubuntu servers I set up for them to
access the individual web servers in the blue network that I want to create?

I hope I have explained that a bit better for you in what Im trying to achieve? Or have I completely misunderstood how this works in this context?

Apologies in advance for how long this will be... :confused:

Ok. Let's start here. Given the way docker networking works, I don't think this is actually possible. Docker is powerful, but it does complicate things from time to time, particularly with docker networking. I've found that it cannot truly emulate segregated environments. It's usually good enough and I think you can do what you want but since those servers are all in the blue network, any ports you expose are going to be accessible from any other server in the blue network. So I don't think you'll want them in the blue network. Are you sure you want them in one network?

If we take a step back instead and just focus on the goal:

You can accomplish this with the existing docker compose environment, just by having more than one identity. I think that's how I'd recommend you start out. After you get that working, the next stop imo will be to remove your containers from the blue network and segregate them from one another, but that'll be after you get your feet under you OpenZiti-wise...

So here's what I recommend:

  • update your docker compose file with the "extra servers" in both the red and blue networks
  • create new identities in the ZAC or using the ziti CLI
  • authorize the blue router (ziti-private-blue) to offload ALL "admin" services
  • authorize the red router (ziti-private-red) to offload "Staff" services
  • authorize whichever users you want to access whichever services you want

So in practicality that would be something like this - i hope this makes sense (after updating your compose file):

  • deploy your web servers in the 'admin' network and for every 'admin' server you deploy, create an OpenZIti service and assign that service an attribute of "admin-service"
  • deploy your web servers in the 'staff' network and for every 'staff' server you deploy, create an OpenZIti service and assign that service an attribute of "staff-service"

For example, with the ziti cli that would look something like this. Step 1 make services with the "admin" or "staff" attributes....

(These are not full and complete samples... If you get lost and feel like you want/need it, I could make a video that does more educating around this topic... )

ziti edge create service admin-service-1 --configs "admin.intercept.config-1," -a "admin-service"
ziti edge create service staff-service-1 --configs "staff.intercept.config-1," -a "staff-service"

Now you have services (and presumably configs), now you authorize those services. Give the routers access to 'bind' (or host) the services:

ziti edge create service-policy admin-bind-policy Bind --identity-roles '@ziti-private-blue' --service-roles "#admin-service"
ziti edge create service-policy staff-bind-policy Bind --identity-roles '@ziti-private-red' --service-roles "#staff-service"

Now, authorize the specific users to access specific services:

ziti edge create service-policy admin-1-dial Dial --identity-roles '@some-admin-user' --service-roles "@admin-service-1"
ziti edge create service-policy staff-1-dial Dial --identity-roles '@some-staff-user' --service-roles "@staff-service-1"

I hope all that helps, I hope it all makes sense. If it's too long or too dense, let us know and we can try to clear anything up.

Thanks for that - its a big help and I have a better understanding now of how to approach this. I will spend a dew days learning and playing about with what you have shown here and come back if I get stuck for advice.

How is the docker tunneler used then as I seem to be completely off point on that ? - can you give me an example of how it could work to explain it ?

You're not completely off point, but in this situation, since there's ALREADY a tunneling-type device on the blue network (that router), adding another tunneler (ziti-host) won't do much good (well i mean, there's redundancy-related reasons but i'm leaving that off the table right now).

This is where things get more complex, really quickly... Recently, (a few months ish ago) @qrkourier made an excellent discovery with respect to docker. He discovered that one can basically assign a docker container as the "network" for another docker container. When you do this, it effectively melds the two containers into one bigger container. If you're familiar with kubernetes even a little, this is very similar to the "pod" idea where basically two or more containers can all be aggregated together.

This was really exciting to me, because in general when you're using docker, we had no great way to accomplish this sort of design. If you use ziti-edge-tunnel and want to have it intercept packets it works by making a TUN device but that needs to happen on the actual OS itself. That means everything on the machine will have access to that TUN and that's not what we wanted...

Instead, ziti-router has a mode called tproxy that allows one to shuttle bytes to a process without the need for a TUN which means now we can use ziti-router within docker for strategic intercept-type modes but we could also use something like ziti-edge-tunnel in host mode (where it only offloads data) to offload data specifically for one (or more containers)...

I'll pause here, as I'm getting deep into the weeds now. Here's an attempt to demonstrate that visually though... Here's the example I'm recommending you start with.You'll see the "new-ubuntu-svr" is in the blue network and accessed from the ziti-private-blue router:

But, with the container as another container's network approach, it MIGHT look more like this... Notice the the ziti-private-blue was removed and replaced with a ziti-edge-tunnel in host mode (which is basically what ziti-host is) and each "network" has two containers, the ziti-host 'network' and then the 'server' container that uses that ziti-host network... Hopefully this all makes sense, like i said, it can get complex quickly ! :slight_smile:

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