My Android application can now access the protected network in the Ziti network through a custom domain name (e.g., Now, I want the Android application to access the protected network via IP addresses (e.g., or ff00::123). How should I modify it?
In the intercept.v1 of ZAC, I have set up multiple addresses, such as , ssssdd , ff00::222 , and . Now the IP addresses are not working.
All you should need to do is add the ip into the intercept config as you did. Assuming you entered them correctly, it's possible there's some bug with IP addresses in the android tunneler (or maybe with how zac updated the controller).
Can you show us the intercept config, as it exists right now, in json format?
Thank you for confirming the config looks ok. I wonder if the android tunneler supports ipv6. We will have to test this on our side. Thanks for letting us know.
In the Android project, there are no errors visible, and when accessing through the domain name, I can see the dial-up logs, but there are no logs for accessing through the IP address.
Thank you, I konw. about ipv6 intercepts, After setting up the VPN service router, I can get IPv6 packets. I was thinking that if I could convert the IPv6 packets into IPv4 packets, then I could redirect them to Is this idea feasible?