Is it possible to use aws or gcp public certs instead of let's encrypt for browzer, wss router etc ?
Certainly. BrowZer only mandates that the browser (little b, chrome/brave/firefox) be able to verify the certificate chain presented by the bootstrapper. It doesn't matter if it's LetsEncrypt, ZeroSSL, gcp, etc. This also means, if you take the self-signed PKI produced during an OpenZiti installation process or if you are running your own in-house PKI, if you add the root CA to the operating system's trust store (or to the browser, etc), BrowZer should work just fine.
BrowZer itself, and the web socket enabled routers you create need to be pre-configured with the trust necessary to complete/validate the certificate chain.
Thanks! Do you have any docs which is referring AWS or GCP cert instead of Lets Encrypt.?
Not really. Every situation will be different, it's hard to make doc that covers all the permutations.
ok Let me try it to implement it. If i have any doubts will try to reach you guys for support!