Config OpenZiti in two Openwrt Routers

Hi All. I want to deploy this scenario

I want to communicate both networks between them.
Router A and Router B have these hardware/firmware details:

But I have an issue, I can't set this line ( src-git ziti ) in the file stated in the link attached below

GitHub - openziti/ziti-openwrt: Ziti package feed for OpenWRT ( feeds.conf)

I have added this in the file stated below and It is not working

After that I have done and Update List and got this message

Any suggestion? Could anyone help to address this?

Thanks in advance

Note: Could you allow me to be able to add further media? Thanks

Hi @rogerio77, welcome to the community and to OpenZIti (and zrok/BrowZer)!

I am not well-versed with the OpenWrt router stuff we've done, I don't have one to play around with. I can help with general OpenZiti and Discourse questions though. I'll try to point someone who has worked with OpenWrt to comment.

I did notice however this ask:

Note: Could you allow me to be able to add further media? Thanks

What sort of media are you looking to add? Did/is Discourse blocking you? I can change the site settings, if there's some problem with the rules. I expect the image uploading is what didn't work for you? Is that what didn't work? Could you direct message me here on discourse with a screen shot of the error? I can look into it.

Thanks. I will be waiting :+1:

@rogerio77 welcome and thank you for your interest

ziti-openwrt repo is just a placeholder for now (I know that now has been a long time), and it cannot be used

However, we do have a way of bulding ziti-edge-tunnel for OpenWRT devices, and we have customers using it that way.

Basic instructions for building for OpenWRT here: ziti-tunnel-sdk-c/docs/openwrt at main · openziti/ziti-tunnel-sdk-c · GitHub

Fair warning, they may be (most certainly) out of date. In any case, let us know how far you get with them.

Thanks for your reply

Well it is going to be a bite hard to deploy this environment that I want, but I will try.

Must I follow the instructions located in this link?

no that bundle is only for Teltonica devices.

You need to build a binary targeting your specific hardware. see here ziti-tunnel-sdk-c/docs/openwrt/ at main · openziti/ziti-tunnel-sdk-c · GitHub

Thanks for your reply
what a pity! I don't have enough knowledge to perform this.

If someone wants to help me I will really appreciate it :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:

start here: [OpenWrt Wiki] Developer guide