Trying to find out how to setup ziti so that the code is integrated into a nginx server.
I am wanting to set it up as a reverse proxy as an intermediate solution … until such time that I can influence Oracle to developer a zitifieid ORDS server.
Let me know if you can point me to any specific documentation. I am the blind following the blind at the moment 
I found this example that uses a go server. Interesting. Is this the preferred approach?
For this to work, I imagine that you need to install the Go SDK on the server.
I found a few more details… narrowing things down
I believe I have now answers my own question.
The constraint relates to the need to recompile the application service… which is the case if you use nginx because its written in C.
However, for Go, there is a build process… which makes modifications a lot easier. So… my learning is… start with Go… until other tools have been zitified.
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Hey ya'!
You may have different options depending on your use case. For example you don't necessarily require to Zitified nginx to make it dark. You may for example install a ziti-tunnel in the ORDS then create your service and install the agents in your VM, in that way you don't need to zitified. Only create you ziti network.

Kinda like this, you can use NetFoundry fabric or deploy it by yourself and just create the services associated.
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Thanks… I am starting to understand now how all of this hangs together