Create an identity for a user

I am trying to create an identity for a windows user and use it so that user can access the internal web as per this video but it doesn't work

Would it be possible for you to capture the text and use code blocks when capturing logs messages? It's a lot easier for me to read the logs when they are text. I can also copy and paste relevant snippets as necessary.

I didn't see exactly what failed in those screen shots, I probably just missed it. Could you let me know where it failed?

I see you have the ca verified, so I assume it's the Windows client that couldn't connect?

There is an update going into beta this week that should make this process dramatically easier. I'm working on documenting it and plan to produce a walkthrough video as well so maybe just wait a couple of days for 3rd party ca? The process on the windows client has been streamlined and it substantially easier now...

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It's great to hear what's coming up, I'm really looking forward to it and I'll be waiting!