Create Ziti Admin Console problem

In the First Service Tutorial, there is such command and output:

$ ziti edge tutorial ziti-echo-client --identity founder-laptop.json trees are tall

ziti-http-echo-server: received input 'trees are tall'

ziti-http-echo-client: As you say, 'trees are tall', indeed!

However, after exit the Tutorial, how can I run the service and transmit a message, for example "Hello world"?

If I directly run the same command, it will return error:

ubuntu@ip:~$ ziti edge tutorial ziti-echo-client --identity founder-laptop.json Hello world
Unable to connect to the server: unable to dial service 'echo': dial failed: service 6YNG2UNFVvmnzx56YthBHg has no terminators

And, in the Tutorial there is a terminator:

$ ziti edge list terminators '"echo"'
│ ID                     │ SERVICE │ ROUTER                      │ BINDING │ ADDRESS                                     │ IDENTITY │ COST │ PRECEDENCE │ DYNAMIC COST │
│ 3aPksevUCIRP4IfBqW4MFt │ echo    │ ip-edge-router │ edge    │ hosted:5c22503c-476f-461b-a4ad-94d0022215a6 │          │    0 │ default    │            0 │
results: 1-1 of 1

However, after exit the Tutorial:

ubuntu@ip:~$ ziti edge list terminators
results: none

Therefore, anyone have ideas what is going on here, and how to run the echo service to transmit a message ?

Thank you very much

@TheLumberjack Any idea?

You need to run the server first.

In one terminal, start the server by being in the same folder the echo-server.json file is in and run:

ziti edge tutorial ziti-echo-server

then in another terminal, cd to where your founder-laptop.json client identity is and run:

ziti edge tutorial ziti-echo-client --identity founder-laptop.json trees are tall


Thank You very much.

A post was split to a new topic: Issues when building ziti locally

A post was split to a new topic: Getting started with OpenZiti, ZAC and ziti-sdk-py