Deploying router on k8s via helm gives identity secret mount error

You bet! The chart has life-cycle hooks for installation and upgrade, and they both do the same thing: check if the Secret exists, if not then enroll and create the Secret.

The app pod waits for that Secret to appear, but something must've gone wrong with the hook Job.

While creating the Helm release for the Router, you can watch for the hook Job to appear and check its logs if it throws an error. I've just released Router chart 0.9.0 with a delayed exit for installation and upgrade life cycle hooks errors.

Be sure to update:

helm repo update openziti

Do this if there's a Job running with this name due to a hook error (adjust to match your release name if needed). The Job will exit and vanish immediately if it succeeds.

kubectl logs --selector=job-name=ziti-router-post-install-job

The selector would be like --selector=job-name=ziti-router-post-upgrade-job if upgrading an existing Helm release.

reference link to init script used by Helm hooks: