Error certPem in body is required

I don’t know if I am doing right. There are 3 certificates (.pem) that I have found in hostname.env in openziti.

I was creating a certificate on ZAC in Manage Certificate Authorities. I selected (and inserted in textarea) all those 3 certificates one by one. But its showing

An Error Occurred
certPem in body is required

Hi @kashif, there’s not quite enough information here for me to understand what you are trying to do. It looks to me like you’re trying to make an external 3rd party CA? If that’s the case, you’ll want to use only the CA in that field but you also don’t need to do any of this either.

Can we maybe take a step back and just outline what it is you’re trying to accomplish first and we’ll go from there?

Thank you very much for clarification.
So if I have a self signed CA certificate then I just need to convert it to .pem then I can select it?

If you have your own CA, you can convert it to a .pem and then use it, yes, but you'll need to be able to verify you have ownership of that CA by creating a certificate signed by that CA with a specific value in the CN. That's called 'verifying' the CA.

I made a video outlining this process a while back. You can find it here:

The description has all the commands I ran for examples but I did it with the ziti CLI, not with ZAC. It's the same, but a bit different (CLI vs UI) but maybe it'll help. You can also find the thread about this here on discourse at

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