Error creating identities instance in Ziti Edge Controller


I created the client jwt file.. and transferred it to my mobile to enroll.. not sure exactly what happened.. but it did not work.. it could have timed out..

So.. I used the following command to delete the original client jwt file.. which completed successfully

ziti edge delete identity device “${client_identity}”

However.. when I attempted to recreate the client jwt file... I received the error message below..

This was the command

ziti edge create identity device "${client_identity}" -a "${service_name}"ClientEndpoints -o "${client_identity}".jwt

PS.. I had reloaded the env file so that all of the variables were correct.


This was the error

error: error creating identities instance in Ziti Edge Controller at https://instance-20220317-1005:1280/edge/management/v1. Status code: 500 Internal Server Error, Server returned: {
"error": {
"cause": {
"code": "UNHANDLED",
"message": "index on does not allow null or empty values"
"code": "UNHANDLED",
"message": "An unhandled error occurred",
"requestId": "G9OcRQdNm"
"meta": {
"apiEnrollmentVersion": "0.0.1",
"apiVersion": "0.0.1"

Ahh… think I worked it out… the ziti edge delete identity device “${client_identity}” command does not delete the jwt file… you have to do this manually… trying again now

still same error… I am going to change the name … this appears to work

I suspect your ‘advertised’ address is set wrong. You probably followed the “everything local (no docker)” quickstart and it’s using your hostname. You probably want to follow the “host it myself” quickstart that lets you change these things: Host Ziti Anywhere | Ziti

Which basically just boils down to setting a few env vars first (really just EXTERNAL_DNS) - then running quickstart

export EXTERNAL_DNS=""
export EXTERNAL_IP="$(curl -s"       

# now download, source, and execute the expressInstall function
source /dev/stdin <<< "$(wget -qO-"; expressInstall

I just loaded up the env files… and the external_dns was empty… this is looking like the place to focus on.

I will amend the env file to include these … which is a step you do after the QuickInstall

will revert back once done

Actually.. I do have two questions about this..

#... in this example.. the variables are set before the quick install

does this order matter?

#.. in this example.. the ports are 8441.. and 8441.

I only have the following ports open and will use these instead

  • 6262.. fro ZITI_CTRL_PORT

Hmm... I also noticed ZITI_CTRL_MGMT_HOST_PORT.. using port 10000.. but I do not have this open

does this make any difference?


I should do a video where you started entirely local, then you want to move it all to “hosted” somewhere. The big problem with starting local is the PKI will use the hostname in your certs, and that won’t work if you ‘move’ the controller/router.

I’ll see if I can do a full video of a basic “public” install where anyone in the world could have access to the overlay. I can’t do it today is all - it’ll have to be tomorrow/later.

The ports I chose are just utterly random. You can use 443 and 80 if you like too… Port 10000 - don’t worry about. You’ll never need to work with that.

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Great… looking forward to it.

I started with a remote machine first… so the local issue is one problem I dont need to worry about.

though… hmm… maybe this is the issue as if the external DNS is embedded in the certificates… that maybe the problem… so you definitely want to set this before you run the quickinstall

ok… time to start from the start again… I did read that when I was getting started… but I must have forgotten about it…

Nothing like trial and error :slight_smile:

lots hacking on my behalf… sometimes I find this is the only way to learn

that is 100% how it works. If you crack them open and look at the SANS - those need to be set 'correctly'. If it's only using the local hostname - not the external DNS name you'll be out of luck. Peek at mine here:

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ahh… that is the issue… I will try again :slight_smile:

This time I am going to use dig to validate my DNS name… as I am not sure what it is exactly… other than an IP address

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Yeah.. this is something I am doing wrong... I am a bit lost really..

I think I have the right full DNS path.. but now I get an error when I run

ziti edge create config "${service_name}"-host.v1 host.v1 '{"protocol":"tcp", "address":"localhost","port":'"${the_port}"', "listenOptions": {"bindUsingEdgeIdentity":true}}'

I was not getting this error when I did not set the external DNS override..

is there an extra thing I need to configure.. or port to open ?

RESTY 2022/04/06 12:48:03 ERROR Get ""host.v1"": dial tcp connect: connection refused, Attempt 1

error: unable to list entities at"host.v1" in Ziti Controller at Error: Get ""host.v1"": dial tcp connect: connection refused

you’re getting confused between the zssh example - and a generic one. Don’t use:

“listenOptions”: {“bindUsingEdgeIdentity”:true}}

That’s where you’re going wrong. That requires a special kind of “intercept.v1” config to with DIAL options set too…

I’m working on postgres right now for the NYC Java UG meeting tonight (6:30 PM ET - dunno what time that is for you) but for postgres in docker i’m using something like:

    ziti edge create config private-postgres-intercept.v1 intercept.v1 '{"protocols":["tcp"],"addresses":["postgres.zitified"], "portRanges":[{"low":5432, "high":5432}]}'
    ziti edge create config private-postgres-host.v1 host.v1 '{"protocol":"tcp", "address":"postgres-db","port":5432}'
    ziti edge create service private-postgres --configs 'private-postgres-intercept.v1','private-postgres-host.v1' -a "private-postgres-services"

The ListenOption is wrong for what you’re doing

That shows up in my ZDEW:


Then I can run:

psql -h postgres.zitified -U postgres

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ahh… will follow this up tomorrow… one step closer now… thanks :slight_smile:

PS… is there a link to the zitified postgres server… I want to explore this next once I have this sorted :slight_smile:

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