I have a configuration issue with Browzer Intercept and would like to ask for advice

I have a question about the Browzer tutorial on the official website. In the tutorial
After completing the experiment, accessing browzac. browzerexample. demo. openziti. org in the browser will allow you to access the protected Zac application.
What confuses me is that the interception domain of Zac is browzac.ziti, but the domain accessed in the local browser is brozac.browzer.example.demo.openziti.org. So how did it intercept brozac.ziti and forward it to the Zac application? It seems that the address entered from the browser cannot be intercepted.

I found your other post first -- sorry... I split it to a top-level topic like this one as well :frowning: I'll go remove that post and copy the response here:

Hi @songt,

The intercepted address in YOUR web browser, it not the address that BrowZer ends up actually dialing. That is part of the magic of BrowZer. The bootstrapper is needed to bootstrap your browser with it's javascript/wasm payloads and based on the url your browser attaches to (brozac.browzer.demo.openziti.org or whatever) -- the ZBR (ziti browser runtime as Curt often refers to it, the javascript in the browser) finds the service and dials it on your behalf.

With BrowZer, the configured intercept address and the URL you access the app from are not necessarily the same as you discovered.

I actually did some small troubleshooting yesterday in Ziti TV on this exact topic. My browzer deployment was not working and I did troubleshooting using the actual intercept address + my Ziti Desktop Edge for Windows. You can watch that troubleshooting starting around the 31:30 minute mark if you're interested in watching that.