Identities role attributes format

When creating an user identity using

ziti edge create identity user --role-attributes ...

What is the format for the role-attributes strings to specify multiple attributes?

You can go with either one string or separated strings like this:

ziti edge create identity user bob -a 'attribute1,attribute2'


ziti edge create identity user bob2 -a 'attribute1','attribute2'
│ ID         │ NAME                         │ TYPE   │ ATTRIBUTES            │
│ 17BkvAzGZo │ bob2                         │ User   │ attribute1,attribute2 │
│ z0JAvAvGZ  │ bob                          │ User   │ attribute1,attribute2 │
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or long form :slight_smile: i see you used --role-attributes:

ziti edge create identity user bob3 --role-attributes 'attribute1','attribute2'

This looks like an opportunity to polish the CLI syntax hints. I’ve raised an issue for discussion and improvement. Linking here in case you have any more ideas for syntax hints or CLI help.