Is openziti useful for a small personal network?

If I set up openziti now, I will use router tunnel. What's the plan for ziti-edge-tunnel?

I don't understand your question. ziti-edge-tunnel is the primary client for OpenZiti. All tunnelers use ziti-edge-tunnel in some way, be it directly executing or through the tunneler sdk. Can you be more specific?

This makes me think ziti-edge-tunnel is not maintained, and I should use router tunnel instead.

What that was meant to mean, is that it's the only maintained tunneler that can use tproxy.

ziti-edge-tunnel is our primary tunneler for clients. Here are the options for tunnelers... Hopefully, it clears up any confusion

go-based tunneler

  • ziti router run using tproxy mode for intercepting

Tunnelers that run ziti-edge-tunnel

  • ziti-edge-tunnel for linux
  • Ziti Desktop Edge for Windows (uses ziti-edge-tunnel built for windows)

Projects using the tunneler-sdk-c

The tunneler-sdk-c is the project that produces ziti-edge-tunnel but doesn't execute ziti-edge-tunnel directly:

  • Ziti Desktop Edge for macOS/iOS
  • Ziti Mobile Edge for iOS
  • Ziti Mobile Edge for Android
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