I had a really interesting meeting today which involved describing how we're able to deploy our services and solution stack in our clients' environments and then be able to manage and support those deployments securely with a closed firewall and no need for a VPN, thanks to zrok. There was some very satisfying stunned silence! There is very little burden on our clients' IT departments and the solution is more secure - WIN-WIN.
But there is a lot that I don't know and can't explain (my background is in building applications and not in networking or security) and a lot more we could be doing with a zero-trust network in place.
Generally speaking we need to be able to do the following in a client's environment,
- deploy (install and configure our services)
- requires ssh and root privileges to provisioned VPSs
- maintain
- upgrades
- OS
- our services
- support
- access to a web portal, possibly several
- access cached files and logs
In the past we would ask for VPN + open ports (22, 3000), but now we can use zrok.
It would be really useful to,
- as a non-security/networking expert, be able to explain what openziti and zrok are
- have additional ideas for how a zero-trust network could be used to do this kind of SA job
I was watching this video earlier today. I would love to see one which aims to demystify zero-trust networks for application developers and SA's which would be useful for me and for giving our client's confidence in how we're delivering our services, particularly from a security perspective. Maybe something for ZitiTV. I'm happy to work on defining the topic more.