Issue with ZAC - “Edge Controller is not online”


I’m currently facing an issue with the ZAC (Ziti Administration Console) for OpenZiti.

I followed the official local with Docker quickstart guide to install the Edge Router and Controller locally using Docker on my Ubuntu machine.

I also followed the steps to access ZAC via the web. However, when I try to log in, I get the following error:

“Edge Controller is not online.”

I noticed in the installation notes that I needed to edit the /etc/hosts file to map to ziti-edge-controller, which I did. But despite this, I still encounter the same error.

I’ve checked that my Docker containers are running and have tried restarting them, but the issue persists.

If anyone has encountered a similar issue or has advice on how to resolve it, I would greatly appreciate your help.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Hi @Rina111, welcome to the community and to OpenZiti (and zrok/BrowZer)!

You want to use ziti-edge-controller:1280 for the URL. Not "localhost" and not ""... WHY is explained below...

The confusion on this, is that the zac is delivered by a node server when run from the docker quickstart. That node app is relaying API requests to the controller. What's easy to be confused by -- is that the url you enter into the ZAC is actually the url relative to that node container. Since it all runs within docker, what you actually want to use for the url the zac node app would use to connect to the controller.

As it's all within docker, and the controller has an alias setup, you want to use the docker alias....

Hopefully that all makes sense??? :slight_smile: