New VCPKG Usage Incompatible with Some Builds

I have been building OpenZITI (Tunnel C-SDK) for OpenWRT for quite some time. The recent updates to the building process seems to have changed to use Microsoft's VCPKG manager. I have scoured without success on how to migrate the process I utilized for building on platforms such as MIPS/IPQ. It seems that Microsoft has not implemented (yet) the ability to cross build from my Ubuntu/x86 for these. There is no preset that can be used or created for it. I was able to deconstruct the cmake process and achieve most steps (llhttp, mbedtls) without VCPKG, but I was halted on usage of LibSodium as there are now direct references in the build's cmake files to use an alias "unofficial-libsodium.cmake". I am now stuck without a path to update OpenZITI for OpenWRT. Is there an alternative path for building on systems that VCPKG itself doesn't support?