When I start the Ziti network using Docker Composer , create “”Your First Service“”
The topology is like this
According to my understanding, The public router transfers traffic to a router named ziti private blue,Then offload the traffic to the real network。
Here is my configuration for http.host.v1
Client access prompt 502
I thought it was a port error, I tried 808000
I really don't know where the problem lies
Salute to openziti maintainers in advance
You were so close! With the example you're citing, the router and the web server are two different containers in the blue network. As they are two different containers, you can't use "localhost". Instead you want to use the container name or one of it's many aliases. So had you used any of these addresses, you would have been successful! 
- web-test-blue
- web-test.blue
- web.test.blue
You can always test this out in docker by either exec'ing into the container and curling when inside the container:
docker exec -it complex-ziti-private-blue-1 bash
ziti@fdf999e4aa5a:/persistent$ curl web-test-blue:8000
Hello World
Or by exec'ing the curl instead of going into bash:
$ docker exec -it complex-ziti-private-blue-1 curl http://web-test-blue:8000
Hello World
So, just change your address shown and you should be successful 
Yes, I succeeded. Thank you very much