let's tackle the second issue first. the add
command expects jwt content to be suppled not a file. The -i represents the output file that will be produced. It requires a running ziti-edge-tunnel that was started with the -I
command in order to 'add' the identity and the resultant identity is placed into that directory.
see the doc for details
sudo ziti-edge-tunnel add --jwt "$(< ./in-file.jwt)" --identity myIdentityName
as for mfa, with the linux tunneler it's a bit combersome as there is no ui actively developed in linux and much of this IPC-related functionality was intended to be used with user interactions and a UI. Although you can certainly do it with the command line, it's just "more".
I strongly recommend you use the linux package to install the ziti-edge-tunnel. That will set you up for success. When you install it you should have seen a helpful banner?
Completed clean install of ziti-edge-tunnel. Get started by adding an identity:
Start ziti-edge-tunnel.service and run:
ziti-edge-tunnel add --jwt "$(< ziti_id.jwt)" --identity "ziti_id"
If you started the tunnel once as root, after you install the package make sure the /tmp/.ziti folder is chown'ed to 2172:2172. sudo chown 2172:2172 /tmp/.ziti/
After making an identity:
ziti edge create identity newid -o newid.jwt
Add'ing/importing it to the ziti-edge-tunnel:
sudo ziti-edge-tunnel add --jwt "$(< newid.jwt)" --identity newid
enable mfa (make sure you save your recovery codes)
sudo ziti-edge-tunnel enable_mfa -i /opt/openziti/etc/identities/newid.json
take the secret and import it to your 2fa app, in my example that would be GTA34LCAX2TBWF2K
. i use this site when testing https://totp.danhersam.com/
verify you have successfully acquired/stored/used the secret:
sudo ziti-edge-tunnel verify_mfa -i /opt/openziti/etc/identities/newid.json --authcode 749047
when needed (everytime the service restarts or session times out), submit mfa:
ziti-edge-tunnel submit_mfa -i /opt/openziti/etc/identities/newid.json --authcode 316326
This whole dance is done on your behalf with the other tunnelers. You can try out the "new ui" (the project has stalled, just fyi) from Releases · openziti/desktop-edge-ui · GitHub
It has a UI that used to work with the linux tunneler, I would think it still would but I've not tried it on linux recently... so ymmv