Hey All,
Noobie here, I have an environment hosted publicly (Controller+ZAC) and I have a publicly hosted ER. All have hostnames and are verified with eachother.
My issue is whenever I run a edge router at home I get issues intercepting traffic. I tried creating a host with tunneler and I get he following When I run
sudo systemctl status ziti-edge-tunnel.service
I get
Jun 05 20:59:26 hamad ziti-edge-tunnel[836]: (836)[ 845.652] ERROR ziti-sdk:channel.c:903 on_channel_connect_internal() ch[0] failed to connect to ER[ER-Pub-AZ cloud vm azure fabric router] [-103/software caused connection abort]
I know the name is weird but I just couldn't keep up with the names so I just added descriptions to each thing on their names because there's no description field(I hope that isn't whats breaking things).
I should note that when I connect using my android client it works just fine
But when I try using my iphone with the same setup it doesn't work...