Warning Messages in ZET Logs

Hi there,

I encountered several of these logs in ZET running on a T3.small instance in AWS:

WARN ziti-sdk:channel.c:795 channel_alloc_cb() ch[0] can't alloc message

They appeared as soon as I started to upload a dummy-data 1GB file from my local machine (also using ZET in WSL) via scp.

Does this mean sth. is wrong with the traffic received or how should this log message be interpreted ?
I have found this topic SSH over ziti tunnel hangs often - #8 by TheLumberjack where you state that this is basically an informative message - at as I understood :slight_smile:

As I just uploaded from a single endpoint, I'm wondering what would happen in a production like scenario several clients would upload files simultaneously. Does this warning message now say that the ec2 t3.small instance is too slow to handle one incoming stream of data or do I misunderstand ?


It is an informational message. On the receiving side of the channel we have a fixed pool of message objects so we read a limited number of messages during a single loop iteration. Once there are no more message objects in the pool we it stops reading (this is when the message is logged) and flushes those messages to the clients.

This is done to avoid out-of-memory errors.

Thanks for your response. Makes sense now :slight_smile:

As this log message is for informational purpose, why is it then logged as a warning ?
Because, this is actually what alarmed me - if it was an INFO level message I would not have investigated into it :slight_smile:
