Ziti and spiffe

Also, there are missing tests and a bug w/ patching externalIdClaim. Create works fine. I have a PR to fix the issue. I’m also adding CLI support for externalIdClaim.

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Thank you @andrew.martinez

i didn’t get any error. curl output had following response


API documentation indicated that matcherCriteria and parserCriteria can be null, tried with empty strings and omitting the fields altogether and that didnt make a difference.


This PR is up now, which will be in the next release: updates change log and CLI ca support by andrewpmartinez · Pull Request #834 · openziti/ziti · GitHub



Really appreciate the quick turnaround!

Hello! Just wanted to quickly add a comment here as a new Ziti user on the topic of SPIFFE.

Our team has been wanting to utilize SPIRE/SPIFFE for awhile. As a separate issue, after dabbling with some other network overlays such as tailscale, we just recently re-surveyed our options and discovered OpenZiti which seems to be one of the few network overlays with SPIFFE integration capability as well as both host and app level overlay. This combination of features has us wanting to use OpenZiti.

Just wanted to pass along thanks for this SPIRE/SPIFFE integration work, and I’m looking forward to getting more hands on with this tech stack!


Hi @johnalotoski, welcome to the community! We are excited to see what you’ll come up with and how you’ll use OpenZiti. We’re a welcoming bunch, if you have any questions just ask! :slight_smile: :wave:

Thank you very much! Looking forward to participating! If we get some cool use cases developed that we can share, I’ll be sure to drop a link in a new thread. :slight_smile: