Ziti Desktop Edge - Reset Button

Can we have reset button on ziti desktop edge that will reset all settings and clear all services, also a switch button for local development mode which will have a process to check for necessary config on hosts file.

Having IP issue but cant delete it due to system folder protection.

Hi @ghostidentity. Welcome to the forum and to OpenZiti!

That's definitely an interesting request. Clearing all settings and clearing all identities is a request I've not seen before. The "Failed to set IP address: 87" is a first time I've ever seen that particular error.

Are you an administrator on the machine? Can you issue the following commands from an administrative command prompt?:

net stop ziti-monitor
net stop ziti

If you can run those commands, I've seen Windows sometimes fail to remove a device. Can you run those commands, then open device manager and delete the 'ziti tunnel' adapter in network adapters?

If you can do those things, you'll be able to change to the C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\NetFoundry. Removing every file in there will "clean all the settings".

You can then run :

net start ziti-monitor
net start ziti

Thank you, it resolved my issue.