Sorry for the delayed response.. I got side tracked
After doing some digging... I believe the cause is somehow related to the following commands.. which is what I used to rebuild the server certificate.
"${ZITI_BIN_DIR}/ziti" pki create server \
--pki-root="${ZITI_PKI_OS_SPECIFIC}" \
--key-file "${ZITI_CONTROLLER_HOSTNAME}-server" \
--server-file "${new_ctrl_cert_name}-server" \
--dns "${pki_allow_list_dns}" --ip "${pki_allow_list_ip}" \
--server-name "${new_ctrl_cert_name} server certificate"
# generated a new server cert for the edge controller by running:
"${ZITI_BIN_DIR}/ziti" pki create server \
--pki-root="${ZITI_PKI_OS_SPECIFIC}" \
--key-file "${ZITI_EDGE_CONTROLLER_HOSTNAME}-server" \
--server-file "${new_edge_ctrl_cert_name}-server" \
--dns "${pki_allow_list_dns}" --ip "${pki_allow_list_ip}" \
--server-name "${new_edge_ctrl_cert_name} server certificate"
This goes back a bit to the following
The issue I believe relates to the edge router.. as when I look at it now... I only updated the controller yaml file..
I am going to redo this.. and will keep you posted