Checking my understanding on what a Ziti Fabric Link is:
A ziti fabric link connects two private virtual cloud networks together
Let me know if this makes sense.. as its something I am planning to play around with in the coming weeks.
To set this up.. you need to link the two fabric edge routers together.. by configuring the two edge router yaml files.
This includes configuring the listener and bindings.. though I am not 100% sure how this is done.
Is there any doco / repo that I can take a look through to better understand the specific details 
Documenting all this is an item on the todo list. I don’t know of anything at this time that is really user-focused. Realistically it’s pretty easy.
What you want is to produce a config that is set to have a “link listener” (and optionally has a “link dialer” section) and then you need other routers which have “link dialer” sections.
The link dialer routers will connect to every other router with a link listener.
In the image below there’s two routers in green with link listeners configured. There are three “private” edge routers (no link listeners declared). the ‘private’ routers will dial out to the green routers and form links. You can also see the green routers also formed links to the other green router as well. That means you can infer the green routers also have link dialers configured

If you are running ziti 0.25.10 you can create a ‘public’ config and a ‘private’ edge router config and see the difference. You’ll see the only difference is the “link.listeners” section is commented out.
ziti create config router edge --routerName bob
ziti create config router edge --private --routerName bob
you should be able to fire up the docker-compose environment and see this in action.
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