Hello everyone, and thank you for your amazing project! I have been testing openziti to secure services for a little while and I think that openziti is great 
My question to the community is; are there any documents/docker compose/ansible playbook examples to allow bootstrapping controller(s) in a three node HA configuration? Maybe a great idea for a ZitiTV episode? 
If I can use docker instance with raft or bare metal with raft that would be awesome. Trying stay away from Kubernetes.
These nodes will be geo dispersed via our WAN. We are doing this with Vault and Raft and works great.
Thank you for your time.
Hi @1VeryNaughtyCat, we're glad you're enjoying OpenZiti, welcome to the community!
All the doc right now is at ziti/doc/ha at main · openziti/ziti · GitHub. There should be enough to get you going in there. I also have a PR in the works that will allow you to use the quickstart from the ziti CLI to accomplish this, but it's not quite merged yet.
It'll definitely be a ziti tv, but probably not until after the new year as much of the team is taking time off at the end of the year (including me) 
Hello, Thank you for responding!
Thank you for considering HA deployment as a ZitiTV ep.
I will have look at this documentation. My goal is to ansible a HA solution with three controllers and three edge routers using bare metal and docker. I will have a look over the next week.
Have a great time off
everyone deserves a break!!
Here's a preview of an interactive HA quickstart that will be published soon: ziti/doc/ha/quickstart.md at join-cluster-quickstart-change · openziti/ziti · GitHub
I can imagine an HA version of ziti/quickstart/docker/all-in-one at main · openziti/ziti · GitHub based on that interactive quickstart.
Since you mentioned Ansible, are you looking for a short-lived learning environment or a long-lived deployment?
Hello, Thank you for responding. We should all be relaxing 
This is for a long lived system eventually. However I find ansible great for repetitive and incremental development.
I am looking to deploy openziti as our internal secure mesh to services.
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This is excellent documentation BTW. I can work with this to develop our ansible playbooks.
Again thank you so very much
Good stuff.
Looking to the future, I'd love an Ansible Collection of modules as declarative wrappers for each Ziti entity type and some additional helper modules for everyday use cases like "declare a tunneled service," which combines several entity types, i.e., intercept and host configs, bind and dial policies, and the service itself. The modules would implement the management API Python library: GitHub - openziti-test-kitchen/openziti-edge-management-python: Python library for the Ziti Management API (needs a refresh, but the groundwork is done). I did some similar work for Terraform in these repos: openziti-terraform-modules repositories · GitHub
Meanwhile, I've been using Ansible for testing a variety of scenarios in this repo: GitHub - openziti-test-kitchen/vagrant: run a ziti controller in docker
The HA deployments for Linux, Docker, Kubernetes will eventually show up in the deployment guides section. That is where you'll find current guidance for non-HA deployments: Deploying to Production | OpenZiti