Android API page includes a time machine

On the bottom of the Android API page, Android | OpenZiti the link takes you back in time to the mid 2000s. It’s like being rickrolled with PHPNuke, lol.

Is this expected behavior? I know there are pages beyond this one. It’s frankly jarring, mildly alarming. A dedicated modern page, a link, and a screenshot of what to expect would be sufficient.

It’s the current expected behavior yes. The ‘next’ button takes you to the c sdk doc, generated by doxygen and (quite) alternately themed compared to the doc site. It’s one of the hundreds of things to do/cleanup. I believe a “jarring” page is better than no page at all for that doc.

Yeah, but you lose the ability to keep going. IMO the page that links from the android SDK to the C SDK should be another page in the same current theme with a link to the see these docs, and a screenshot of what the docs look like, then at the bottom of the page continue to the next SDK reference. Once you are at the C SDK docs site you have left the open ziti docs site as far as the visitor can tell.

The fix would be adding one static page and a link. That would be a simple MVP.

Just my $.02