Thanks for the explanation!
I managed to perform a manual migration from one K8s cluster to another - basically changing the infrastructure environment stage.
This is the process I came up with:
Migration workflow
This workflow only works as long as the naming of all resources - certs, helm release names and namespaces - are equal to the "old" installation !
In old controller Pod run:
ziti agent controller snapshot-db
Copy db snapshot form pod to local:
kubectl cp openziti/openziti-base-controller-c46c64b69-vrm4p:/persistent/ctrl.db-20231017-142051 ctrl.db-20231017-142051
Backup openziti-base-controller-admin-secret:
kubectl get secret/openziti-base-controller-admin-secret -o yaml > openziti-base-controller-admin-secret.yaml
Backup pvc config openziti-base-controller:
kubectl get pvc/openziti-base-controller -o yaml > openziti-base-controller.yaml
Backup certs and issuers:
kubectl get -n openziti -o yaml issuer,cert > backup.yaml
Backup secrets for certs and issuers:
- openziti-base-controller-admin-client-secret
- openziti-base-controller-ctrl-plane-identity-secret
- openziti-base-controller-ctrl-plane-intermediate-secret
- openziti-base-controller-ctrl-plane-root-secret
- openziti-base-controller-edge-root-secret
- openziti-base-controller-edge-signer-secret
- openziti-base-controller-web-identity-secret
- openziti-base-controller-web-intermediate-secret
- openziti-base-controller-web-root-secret
Backup secrets for router enrollments and respective identities
- openziti-routers-router1-identity
- openziti-routers-router1-jwt
- openziti-routers-router2-identity
- openziti-routers-router2-jwt
Be sure to delete annotations, labels, and creationTimeStamp, ownerReferences, resourceVersion, uid from secrets and certs/issuers before running kubectl apply on the new K8s cluster!
Deploy openziti-base-controller-admin-secret.yaml to new cluster
kubectl apply -f openziti-base-controller-admin-secret.yaml
Deploy pvc to new cluster, mount it to busybox and transfer db backup to it!
- Run busybox pod to be able to copy db file to PV
kind: Pod apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: volume-debugger spec: volumes: - name: volume-to-debug persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: openziti-base-controller containers: - name: debugger image: busybox command: ['sleep', '3600'] volumeMounts: - mountPath: "/persistent" name: volume-to-debug
kubectl apply -f busybox-pvc-controller.yaml
kubectl cp ctrl.db-20231017-142051 openziti/volume-debugger:/persistent/ctrl.db
- Check if the db file is there
kubectl exec -it pod/volume-debugger -- /bin/sh
- Delete the busybox-pvc debugger
kubectl delete -f busybox-pvc-controller.yaml
Add existing pvc claim to openziti controller chart!
Run openziti-base helm chart
Override certs, issuers and secret resources with backups
kubectl apply -f certs_issuers/
kubectl apply -f controller-secrets/
Should the domain-names for the controller APIs have changed, some certs need to be renewed in the cert-manager:
- ´´´cmctl renew openziti-base-controller-web-identity-cert --namespace=openziti´´´
- ´´´cmctl renew openziti-base-controller-ctrl-plane-identity --namespace=openziti´´´
Restart OpenZiti controller - delete and it will be recreated
- Deploy routers via helm
- (Delete old Router identities in ZAC)
- Create new identities for Router1 & Router2
- Add the JWT enrollment token to the respective .values.yaml file!
- Reusing the router identity(ies) is not intended by the router helm chart!
This is for sure not complete, but it is a starting point