after following the Docker Compose Quickstart, I wanted to try to login into the Ziti Console, but i am not sure how to find the password. Here it is the screen I am presented with after select the controller:

Reading around, in the ".env" file there is a field for the password, but it is empty, and that seems to mean it will be randomly generated.
# the user and password to use
# Leave password blank to have a unique value generated or set the password explicitly
I have already tested the common "admin admin" login, just in case, but no luck.
The zitiLogin script works, maybe some way to estrapolate the password from it? Or it is already hashed thus can't be retrieved?
Am I maybe missing something?
If you exec into the container, or execute it from outside, you can find it.
docker exec tmp-ziti-controller-1 grep ZITI_PWD /persistent/ziti.env
if [[ "$ZITI_PWD" == "" ]]; then export ZITI_PWD="wwLPUzguLbbae6eRimQ4bsGbMRFy5KcA"; else echo "NOT OVERRIDING: env var ZITI_PWD already set. using existing value"; fi
alias zitiLogin='ziti edge login "${ZITI_CTRL_EDGE_ADVERTISED_ADDRESS}:${ZITI_CTRL_EDGE_ADVERTISED_PORT}" -u "${ZITI_USER-}" -p "${ZITI_PWD}" -y'
In this case:
export ZITI_PWD="wwLPUzguLbbae6eRimQ4bsGbMRFy5KcA";
You can also use docker logs to find it if it's not there:
docker logs tmp-ziti-controller-1 2>&1 | grep ZITI_PWD
Do you want to keep the generated admin password 'wwLPUzguLbbae6eRimQ4bsGbMRFy5KcA'? (Y/n) INFO: using ZITI_PWD=wwLPUzguLbbae6eRimQ4bsGbMRFy5KcA
NOT OVERRIDING: env var ZITI_PWD already set. using existing value
ZITI_PWD overridden: wwLPUzguLbbae6eRimQ4bsGbMRFy5KcA
controller initialized. unsetting ZITI_USER/ZITI_PWD from env
that should get what you need
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Thanks, I found it.
I was looking into the ".env" file in my host machine, where I run Docker Compose.
Thanks as always.