Cant access admin

I created the network and containers with docker-compose it was successful i can view web-console as well
But the problem is i couldn't access it
Nor retrieve password or other credentials
I pass username and password in .env file
So please let me know what should i do
I have to set it up as soon as possible

ziti@ee186f75724b:/persistent$ export ZITI_PWD="W#aq$6s#G5Dxmzn5"
ziti@ee186f75724b:/persistent$ zitiLogin
error: unable to authenticate to https://ziti-edge-controller:1280/edge/management/v1. Status code: 401 Unauthorized, Server returned: {
"error": {
"code": "INVALID_AUTH",
"message": "The authentication request failed",
"requestId": "STw.sQwSM"
"meta": {
"apiEnrollmentVersion": "0.0.1",
"apiVersion": "0.0.1"

i did export in both container and on the server but still no result

Hi @AshZi03, welcome to the community and to OpenZiti (and zrok/BrowZer)!

Can you tell me what docker containers you used or what docker compose file you used to get going with?

Generally speaking, if you set the ZITI_PWD environment variable, when you start your project it'll set that admin password accordingly.

If you did not set the ZITI_PWD variable, if you used the quickstart docker compose you can get the password by running docker logs:

$ docker compose logs ziti-controller | grep PWD
ziti-controller-1  | Do you want to keep the generated admin password 'KGaesgyWgg9RAVFjylPk9ZLf8ZKt0LAF'? (Y/n) INFO: using ZITI_PWD=KGaesgyWgg9RAVFjylPk9ZLf8ZKt0LAF
ziti-controller-1  | NOT OVERRIDING: env var ZITI_PWD already set. using existing value
ziti-controller-1  | ZITI_PWD overridden: KGaesgyWgg9RAVFjylPk9ZLf8ZKt0LAF

or you can get it by grepping the .env file it leaves behind:

$ docker compose exec ziti-controller grep ZITI_PWD ziti.env
if [[ "$ZITI_PWD" == "" ]]; then export ZITI_PWD="KGaesgyWgg9RAVFjylPk9ZLf8ZKt0LAF"; else echo "NOT OVERRIDING: env var ZITI_PWD already set. using existing value"; fi
alias zitiLogin='ziti edge login "${ZITI_CTRL_EDGE_ADVERTISED_ADDRESS}:${ZITI_CTRL_EDGE_ADVERTISED_PORT}" -u "${ZITI_USER-}" -p "${ZITI_PWD}" -y'

In this case, my password is: KGaesgyWgg9RAVFjylPk9ZLf8ZKt0LAF and I can use it to login:

$ ziti edge login localhost:1280 -u admin -p KGaesgyWgg9RAVFjylPk9ZLf8ZKt0LAF -y
Cert #0 in the chain doesn't match
WARNING: server supplied certificate authority doesn't match cached certs at /home/cd/.config/ziti/certs/localhost
Server certificate chain written to /home/cd/.config/ziti/certs/localhost
Token: c4951494-fa1b-4bba-9d72-1be77a3ffa08
Saving identity 'default' to /home/cd/.config/ziti/ziti-cli.json

(post deleted by author)