Can't login to OpenZiti

I dont know why but since today and yesterday enabling MFA on the policy's i now cant login to the ziti console and zitiLogin, logs of the controller service tells me that the admin identity is disabled?

Mar 19 12:44:15 24x7-openziti ziti[413]: {"authMethod":"password","authenticatorId":"J0XiqhzRWQ","disabledAt":"2024-03-19T09:16:05.504395743Z","disabledUntil":null,"file":"","func":"*AuthModuleUpdb).Process","identityId":"k5Ndtf9DM","level":"error","msg":"authentication failed, identity is disabled","time":"2024-03-19T12:44:15.978Z","username":"admin"}

How do i get this working again?

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Hi @toms24x7,

Identity is disabled -- did you happen to change any authentication polices lately or maybe edit the admin using ZAC and change anything on the identity? We had a user disable their admin by mistake very recently on this thread: Re-enable default admin

Maybe it's relevant? Did you do the same thing as them perhaps?

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I am not sure what happend, yesterday it was working just fine with MFA.
Maybe I did change something with the authentication policies, just dont know anymore.
When I tried to login this morning it just wouldn't let me.

In your linked forum they can still login into ziti CLI which I cant.
I am reinstalling Ziti anyway as it is quite a dirty VM for all my troubleshooting.

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Interesting. I've seen people change the auth policy for all users and unintentionally cause this kind of problem before. My guess is that's what happened. Since you're dumping it and starting over -- we'll never know :slight_smile: If you do happen to remember the sequence, please post back. Cheers!

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When I'm done reinstalling I will take a snapshot of the VM before changing some things with the Auth policy. If I can reproduce this issue I will let you know again


Tried a few settings to reproduce of what I might have changed yesterday but sadly could not reproduce the issue.

Everything works fine now after reinstall of the VM :slight_smile:

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