Configuring simple server example

I am working through getting this example to work.. but not sure how to troubleshoot.

After I compile the application, I run it using the following command

./simple-server -c /Users/houst/.zssh/zssh.json -s golanghttp

Is this correct?

This is the error I receive.

Error binding service failed to initialize context: (unable to configure ziti as config environment variable ZITI_SDK_CONFIG not populated)*contextImpl).ListenWithOptions






panic: failed to initialize context: (unable to configure ziti as config environment variable ZITI_SDK_CONFIG not populated)

goroutine 19 [running]:

main.withZiti({0x7ff7bfeff9d0, 0x2})

/Users/houst/DevTech/zitiapps/sdk-golang/example/simple-server/simple-server.go:69 +0x1ad

created by main.main

/Users/houst/DevTech/zitiapps/sdk-golang/example/simple-server/simple-server.go:86 +0x145

You need to read that code and follow it along. It's not expecting an argument to be passed that indicates the identity nor does it support flags (the -c and -s you supplied). Not all samples are uniform. This one expects you to set an environment variable named ZITI_SDK_CONFIG which represents the path to the json file.

This should work:

export ZITI_SDK_CONFIG=/Users/houst/.zssh/zssh.json
./simple-server golanghttp
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addendum: ZITI_SDK_CONFIG processing will be buried down in the golang-sdk. If the file isn’t supplied to NewContext, the sdk will look for that env variable and use the value as the path to the identity

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Awesome… this makes a lot of sense now…