I have the http golang server demo working.
Next.. I wanted to add one more layer by making it TLS enabled.
So.. I found some source code to start with.
unzitified code
However.. when I started to read through the setup.. I realised that there is something that I don't understand.
Where does the certificate come from?
This sounds a bit stupid.. as like in all of the examples.. you just create it on the fly..
Though how does it relate with the certificates required for the controller and router?
I was thinking that maybe its best to create a certificate based upon the certificates from the controller and router.... so that it has the same hierarchy.
This is hinted at in the boot-strapping article.. but not specifically mentioned.
Hence.. as I am fumbling around... I thought to post this as a question.
If you do use the "intermediate" certificates.. from the Ziti Quick Install.. what commands do you need to use to create your certificate?
Let me know if you have any tips.