Configuring the http example that connects to ZitiMobileEdge client

Ok. I hope this helps… Here are the commands/notes I show in the video. @markamind I think you can start from the bullet labeled “HERE IS THE FIX”.

Things done before the video starts:

  • Create VCN

  • Create Subnet

  • Create Security List

  • opened ports 8441-8443

  • used netcat nc to very ports were open

  • create instance named openziti09b

  • opened LOCAL firewall in firewalld with:

      sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8441/tcp --permanent
      sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8442/tcp --permanent
      sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8443/tcp --permanent
      sudo systemctl restart firewalld
  • disable selinux - didn’t troubleshoot but SELINUX prevented the systemd units from working

      sudo cp /etc/selinux/config /etc/selinux/config.back
      sudo sed -i 's/^SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=permissive/' /etc/selinux/config
      sudo /usr/sbin/setenforce 0
  • installed golang using instructions from here

  • installing golang via that link puts go into /usr/local/go/bin/go, so i also added /usr/local/go/bin/ to my path in .bashrc

  • Installed git using:

      sudo dnf install git -y

Steps in the video Discourse Help - OCI Quickstart - unlisted - YouTube

  • RERAN expressInstall with EXTERNAL_DNS set to the EXTERNAL_IP! This was important - due to Oracle Cloud. Unlike AWS oracle doesn’t give your compute instances a DNS name.

      export EXTERNAL_DNS="$(curl -s"
  • HERE IS THE FIX the quickstart is putting the hostname into the router configuration. To fix that you need to edit the configuration finding the hostname and replacing it with the external IP address. Then you need to deleting/recreate the edge router. Only do this after successfully running quickstart.

      # set a variable and use this in the next three commands
      ziti edge delete edge-router ${routerName}
      ziti edge create edge-router ${routerName} -t -a "public" -o ${routerName}.jwt
      ziti-router enroll ~/.ziti/quickstart/clintozapr09b/${routerName}.yaml -j ${routerName}.jwt
  • installed ZAC by following the ZAC install guide

Making sure it all works:

Once I had the ZAC running and fixed the bug I was able to verify the golang http example was working by running the zitified server/client and testing with my local browser…

  • created four identities: one for the golang server, one for the client, one for my desktop, one for my mobile.

  • i enrolled the server/client for immediate use.

  • identities were created using -a "http-clients" so that i could make one ‘dial’ policy and use the attribute

      ziti edge create identity service golang.http.server -o $HOME/golang.http.server.jwt
      ziti edge enroll $HOME/golang.http.server.jwt
      ziti edge create identity service golang.http.client -a "http-clients" -o $HOME/golang.http.client.jwt
      ziti edge enroll $HOME/golang.http.client.jwt
      ziti edge create identity service golang.http.desktop.client -a "http-clients" -o $HOME/golang.http.desktop.client.jwt
      ziti edge create identity service -a "http-clients" -o $HOME/
  • created the one needed config, the service, and two policies

      ziti edge create config golanghttp-intercept.v1 intercept.v1 '{"protocols":["tcp"],"addresses":["golanghttp.zitified"], "portRanges":[{"low":1234, "high":2345}]}'
      ziti edge create service golanghttp --configs 'golanghttp-intercept.v1'
      ziti edge create service-policy golanghttp-bind-policy Bind --identity-roles '@golang.http.server' --service-roles '@golanghttp'
      ziti edge create service-policy golanghttp-dial-policy Dial --identity-roles '#http-clients' --service-roles '@golanghttp'
  • cloned the golang sdk for demo use:

    git clone GitHub - openziti/sdk-golang: Ziti SDK for Golang “${ZITI_HOME}/sdk-golang”
    cd “${ZITI_HOME}/sdk-golang/exercises/http/server/zitified”

  • ran the zitified simple-server

      go run simple-server.go "$HOME/golang.http.server.json" "golanghttp"
  • ran the zitified simple-client

      go run simple-client.go $HOME/golang.http.client.json golanghttp
  • opened this url in desktop browser and saw the expected results


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