Where can I find a config file to run this example? ziti-sdk-c/sample_http_link.c at main · openziti/ziti-sdk-c · GitHub
Preferably one for the client and one for the server.
Where can I find a config file to run this example? ziti-sdk-c/sample_http_link.c at main · openziti/ziti-sdk-c · GitHub
Preferably one for the client and one for the server.
You can find a quick video which has the necessary commands in the description on our youtube channel at sample http link c - YouTube
I don’t think we have a server/client example yet but I’ll see if we can get something like that added soon.
ziti cli commands for running that example using a ziti-egde-tunnel on the server side is below (copied from that video)
# create two identities. one host - one client. Only necessary if you want/need them. Skippable if you
ziti edge create identity device httpbin.server -a httpbinServerEndpoints -o httpbin.server.jwt
ziti edge create identity device httpbin.client -a httpbinClientEndpoints -o httpbin.client.jwt
ziti edge enroll httpbin.server.jwt
ziti edge enroll httpbin.client.jwt
ziti edge create config httpbin-host.v1 host.v1 '{"protocol":"tcp", "address":"httpbin.org","port":80}'
ziti edge create service httpbin --configs httpbin-host.v1
ziti edge create service-policy httpbin-binding Bind --service-roles '@httpbin' --identity-roles '#httpbinServerEndpoints'
ziti edge create service-policy httpbin-dialing Dial --service-roles '@httpbin' --identity-roles '#httpbinClientEndpoints'