Error trying to use zrok for remote desktop

Ok, I am sure I know what you did wrong and I didn't catch it at first... My bad.

On the host machine

share port 3389:

zrok share private --backend-mode tcpTunnel

On the local machine

you need to use --bind to change the port OR you can use the default port :9191 if you wish. I think it'll be more instructive here to change the port to 30000+3389 == 33389:

zrok access private fdd8p1lzbvip --bind

Now open RDP and RDP to localhost:33389 and presto you'd be connected... That looks like what you did because I am ALSO getting:

[  16.337]   ERROR zrok/endpoints.TXer: read error '' -> 'ziti-edge-router connId=2147483648, logical=ziti-sdk[]': read tcp> use of closed network connection

RDP seems to be triggering a bug we will have to fix... I'm going to try an older version of zrok to see if it worked before.