Hello, ive just started using zrok and i have the standard plan.
I am trying to visit a remote desktop on my linux odroid from a windows computer.
Ive started the share session using:
zrok share private --backend-mode tcpTunnel 192.168.x.x:22 (with my local ip addres of the linux).
I open the share session on the windows using:
zrok access private key
the connection is set up properly.
The problem is when I am trying to connect via the remote desktop application on windows.
I get this error on the windows machine:
-top screen: Wednesday, 14-Aug-24 13:32:08 CEST -> ACCEPT r1x7utarlwuf
-bottom screen: [ 20.366] ERROR zrok/endpoints.TXer: read error '' -> 'ziti-edge-router connId=1, logical=ziti- sdk[router=tls:f12da3a5-c651-4dbe-ace0-67723a5dda65.production.netfoundry.io:443]': read tcp > wsarecv: De externe host heeft een verbinding verbroken.
I get this on the hosting linux machine:
β[7815.942] ERROR zrok/endpoints.TXer: read error '' -> 'ziti-edge-router connId=2147483650, logical=ziti-sdk[router=tls:ad2b1ffe-8cee-465d-b3fc-8d1100bb5f32.production.netfoundry.io:443]': β
βread tcp β
β192.168.129.167:58284-> read: connection reset by peer
sometimes i also get:
β[1170.689] ERROR zrok/endpoints.TXer: read error '' -> 'ziti-edge-router connId=2147483648, logical=ziti-sdk[router=tls:ad2b1ffe-8cee-465d-b3fc-8d1100bb5f32.production.netfoundry.io:443]': β
βread tcp β
β192.168.129.167:40864-> use of closed network connection
Hi @firn, welcome to the community and to zrok! (and OpenZiti)
You're certain that the "odroid remote desktop" will run on port 22? That's generally the port for ssh, not the port for remote desktop. Windows remote desktop uses 3389 by default, I don't know what odroid remote desktop is using.
I actually didn't know "odriod" was a thing until today, so I've never done this myself but my suspicion is that the zrok private share should not be using port 22.
In the meantime, I'll see if I can find any details on what port that should be, if not 22.
I am in fact trying to use rdp but i didnt really find a guide for it.
This is also my first time trying to set up rdp so bear with me if i make mistakes
I kinda followed this: Sharing TCP and UDP Servers | Zrok
Yeah, you did the zrok bits right for sure. Now you just need to discover whatever "remote desktop" is at the other end. Do you have the doc for the remote desktop you can share with me? I would guess that it's going to be VNC (port 5900), RDP (port 3389) or it will be some custom port number and some custom protocol.
Have you ever "remotely" conneted to the device? Like, not from zrok? If so what do you use and how did you do it? If I can find the ODROID doc, it should be clear...
Cool. It looks like xRDP uses port 3389 so you should be able to use zrok exactly as you're intending to. Let me know if you share 3389, then access that share and remote desktop doesn't work for you.
I just tried it out.
it says on the host computer:
509.243] ERROR zrok/endpoints/tcpTunnel.(*Backend).handle: error dialing '': dial tcp connect: connection refused
and on the windows computer still the "use of closed network connection "error.
Could this be because of how my internet is set up?
I just got a different error:
β[ 32.864] ERROR zrok/endpoints.TXer: write error '' -> 'ziti-edge-router connId=2, logical=ziti- β
βsdk[router=tls:ad2b1ffe-8cee-465d-b3fc-8d1100bb5f32.production.netfoundry.io:443]': calling Write() after CloseWrite()
you need to use --bind to change the port OR you can use the default port :9191 if you wish. I think it'll be more instructive here to change the port to 30000+3389 == 33389:
I had no problem with ssh'ing from my machine to the remote fwiw. Somehow RDP is triggering some kind of bug though, it seems. I can't get past the login screen. Although I can connect and enter my creds, it fails after that.
The more I played with it, the more I think this is actually Windows RDP --> xRDP related. I'm playing around with it right now. I'm gonna tinker with it for a bit to see if i can get it working and I'll follow up in a bit
Based on your description of the problem, this could be due to the fact that you are already logged in into your Ubuntu and you are trying to use the same user account to make your remote desktop connection.
It's not possible (with xRDP software) to use the same user account and login at the same time on Ubuntu locally and perform a remote connection...
So it ended up workign fine, but I needed to log out of my interactive session first.
how do you start a connection, then close your interactive session?
Also should i keep using the commands i used to start sessions and access them?
Because i saw your command wasnt exactly the same
I had started a VM, installed xRDP and then tried to use window's remote desktop client and zrok on windows. It would connect, I would enter my credentials and immediately get disconnected. I got disconnected because xRDP only allows one session. To fix this, I just went to my current ubuntu session and "logged out" of that session. Just like you do in Windows. (Windows has the same 'limit' of one session per user too btw).
I don't know what other virtual desktop type software is out there that might allow you to have more than one desktop session. It's not something I've ever tried. I'd wager there are others out there, I just don't know. If you find one and it works though, let us know!