Error trying to use zrok for remote desktop

By logging out you mean actually going to power settings log out?
Because this also stops the zroc share for me and all other processes running.

Ah. Yes that's what I mean and yes that is important. You want to run zrok as a service or somehow disconnect the terminal from the session so you can logout.

You can check out zrok front door here: zrok frontdoor | Zrok. You could go search the internet for other ways to do it. You could write your own systemd service, you could use nohup, whatever you decide works best for you.

I cant find a way to log out without killing the process, how did you do that?

You can either start it as a systemd service:

You can use zrok front door (which will end up making a sysetmd service):

You can run "nohup" and put the process into the background:

It's not as "elegant" as the other two but for some it's easier to understand and manage. This for example will keep your zrok test endpoint running until the box restarts. (that's why learning systemd is probably worth it as systemd will restart it for you)...

nohup zrok test endpoint --port 8449 --address &

I tried both of these but zrok just doesnt want to start sadly.
this is my service:
GNU nano 6.2 /etc/systemd/system/start-on-boot.service M
Description= trying



this is my the script:

zrok share private --backend-mode tcpTunnel

sorry, for the question, i know this isnt exactly zrok related.

first thing i would do is reserve a share. this way your 'access' is always the same making accessing it muchmuch easier:

zrok reserve private --backend-mode tcpTunnel --unique-name cdtestrdp

After that update your script to start that reserved share. you can see I used /home/cd/ You must pass --headless as well and use the proper shebang (which you have)

cat /home/cd/

/home/cd/bin/zrok share reserved cdtestrdp --headless

You also need to make sure it's executable:

sudo chmod +x /home/cd/

Make/edit the zrok-rdpservice:

sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/zrok-rdp.service

Use this content:

Description=Start zrok share to share RDP



Reload systemd and enable zrok rdp and verify status:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable zrok-rdp
sudo systemctl status zrok-rdp

Use journalctl to see the logs:

sudo journalctl -fu zrok-rdp

Hopefully that helps...

Security tip: Add --closed to your zrok command to ensure that only your own zrok account can access the private share.

zrok reserve private --closed --backend-mode tcpTunnel --unique-name cdtestrdp