I didn't think you can do this? I haven't installed/tested/tried it myself, but I thought Android only allows one VPN to be active at a time?
the only answer - if even possible is "very carefully".
If both apps can run at the same time, my initial inkling is to state that this is an unsupported configuration. It feels like there are just too many pitfalls and nuances in this deployment mechanism, that makes me think we just couldn't really support it.
I'll ask the rest of the team and if anyone else disagrees with me, I'll have them follow up here
OpenZiti, by its nature, already operates in a split-tunnel model even with Android as is. It does not operate in a full-tunnel model, like other VPNs may. You can implement a full tunnel with OpenZiti but you need to go out of your way to do it.
On Mac OS and iOS, anything that's not IPSec or IKEv2 has to use NETunnelProviderManager which is enterprise VPN. NETunnelProviderManager | Apple Developer Documentation says only one enterprise VPN configuration can be enabled on the system at a time. It seems android doesn't support multiple simultaneously active VPN servers without work profiles which I can't expect to use without a corporation setting it up for me. However, one can expose privacy VPN servers as proxy servers on openziti services. Some web browsers will support internal proxy setting.
On windows, wireguard and openvpn can set up system-wide DNS servers along with the gateway, and ziti desktop edge can insert its own specific network routes for its TUN interface and add its intercept DNS domains to Name Resolution Policy Table?
On linux, tunneler uses systemd-resolved or my own DNS configuration to make sure tunneler DNS server is consulted before other name servers are. It will insert its own specific network routes that take precedence over privacy VPN's gateway.
I'm starting to hate apple and google for crippling mac OS, iOS, and android.
If a VPN provider doesn't work well with ziti desktop edge on windows, I may tinker a bit, and if it still doesn't work, I may set up proxy servers on openziti network.