Android Private DNS

Hi all,

Im still fiddling with OpenZITI on different platforms and found a problem when tring to use private DNS on Android together with the ziti mobile edge. The android system thinks it is offline.

Im using the DOT service here to block all kinds of ads and trackers usually: Mit öffentlichem AdGuard DNS verbinden

Thanks in advance!

I assume you have followed the second step and “Configured DNS manually”, correct? (English link here Connect to public AdGuard DNS server)

After doing that, and turning the ZME for Android, your phone seems like it’s offline? Do I have that correct?

I wouldn’t have expected that situation, again we’ll need @ekoby to have a peek at this one.

Exactly. Might this be an issue with my ZITI Controller not being accessible via IPV6?
Im linking my other issue here: IPV6 Connection lost on Android when using ZITI Mobile Edge on Android - #2 by TheLumberjack

No I don’t think so but it’s possible. my guess is somehow our Android “vpn app” is interfering with IPv6 in general. I basically never use IPv6, so this isn’t something I’ve ever noticed and if my phone uses v6 when I’m away from home, it hasn’t impacted me.

I think we’ll need @ekoby to basically try it out and see what he sees.

Hi @TheLumberjack @ekoby ,
this is a follow up to the issue described here, after the general IPV6 problem has been solved:
Using private DNS is still not possible. I guess this happens because of the way the Ziti Edge interacts with Androids DNS. It would be nice to have this working though. Many people use this feature as an ad blocker or to obfuscate their name resolving for their IDPs (DOT, DOH).

PS: I have tried using in the settings.