List of ziti commands to better troubleshoot

As I go, I am keeping a track of different ziti commands


ziti fabric list links
ziti edge update edge-router
ziti edge list summary

I found most of these in the release notes… though it would be nice if there is a central location all of them in some cheat sheet… with some examples and description of what they do, why you use them, and the types of problems that they can help you resolve.

This would help be better trouble shoot

Other good ones are

ps -ef | grep ziti

if anyone else reads this… psz is only an alias that comes when you source the env file the expressInstall function sets up. As shown it’s just

alias psz='ps -ef | grep ziti'

ziti fabric list links is good to make sure your routers are all connected the way you expect. you can see latencies and costs:

ziti@a5762b9ced82:/openziti$ ziti fabric list links
│ ID                     │ TYPE │ DIALER                │ ACCEPTOR              │ STATIC COST │ SRC LATENCY │ DST LATENCY │ STATE     │ STATUS │ FULL COST │
│ 14TAaAvGkSKgyOYCA4kXgm │ tls  │ ziti-private-red      │ ziti-edge-router      │           1 │ 2.2ms       │ 2.6ms       │ Connected │ up     │         5 │
│ 1AO0Oo1qK1DRNZ1J12WxRc │ tls  │ ziti-fabric-router-br │ ziti-edge-router      │           1 │ 2.5ms       │ 2.5ms       │ Connected │ up     │         5 │
│ 1kxhEXPZO3TbQ75QjBRihO │ tls  │ ziti-edge-router-wss  │ ziti-edge-router      │           1 │ 17ms        │ 2.6ms       │ Connected │ up     │        19 │
│ 3SEgy2RZyP6t25oRcNwrLw │ tls  │ ziti-private-blue     │ ziti-edge-router-wss  │           1 │ 2.6ms       │ 2.5ms       │ Connected │ up     │         5 │
│ 3lnsMrMmMPj3v1z6phOqdW │ tls  │ ziti-fabric-router-br │ ziti-edge-router-wss  │           1 │ 2.6ms       │ 2.5ms       │ Connected │ up     │         5 │
│ 4k6HrcMOUru8bpjSm6Ludj │ tls  │ ziti-private-red      │ ziti-fabric-router-br │           1 │ 2.1ms       │ 2.1ms       │ Connected │ up     │         5 │
│ 4yFk8ZZUAWrlxABsWK1aBN │ tls  │ ziti-private-red      │ ziti-edge-router-wss  │           1 │ 2.4ms       │ 2.6ms       │ Connected │ up     │         5 │
│ 6EuygDpoG6w9Rm25yF46zs │ tls  │ ziti-private-blue     │ ziti-edge-router      │           1 │ 9.8ms       │ 2.5ms       │ Connected │ up     │        12 │
│ 6ie9hZrYEJaEEvZmiCGoEt │ tls  │ ziti-private-blue     │ ziti-fabric-router-br │           1 │ 2.5ms       │ 1.5ms       │ Connected │ up     │         4 │

i also like listing routers at times:

ziti@a5762b9ced82:/openziti$ ziti fabric list routers
│ ID         │ NAME                  │ ONLINE │ COST │ NO TRAVERSAL │ VERSION                │ LISTENERS                                │
│ NUbs6LeDOq │ ziti-edge-router-wss  │ true   │    0 │ false        │ v0.25.1 on linux/amd64 │ 1: tls:ziti-edge-router-wss:10080 (tls)  │
│ PX3wqTKDOq │ ziti-private-red      │ true   │    0 │ false        │ v0.25.1 on linux/amd64 │                                          │
│ QX3sqLKDvq │ ziti-private-blue     │ true   │    0 │ false        │ v0.25.1 on linux/amd64 │                                          │
│ ZJVwqLeMvq │ ziti-edge-router      │ true   │    0 │ false        │ v0.25.1 on linux/amd64 │ 1: tls:ziti-edge-router:10080 (tls)      │
│ dfls6TeMv  │ ziti-fabric-router-br │ true   │    0 │ false        │ v0.25.1 on linux/amd64 │ 1: tls:ziti-fabric-router-br:10080 (tls) │
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This is very helpful… and will ask another question about it for ZitiTV…