I'm trying to follow this instruction to install BrowZer using the Clone from Github:
BrowZer | OpenZiti
Enabling the systemd service specifies a ziti-cli-functions.sh
helper script, but I'm not seeing this script anywhere in the repo or in the host-anywhere quickstart. I did find it in the docker quickstart interestingly enough: ziti/quickstart/docker/image/ziti-cli-functions.sh at main · openziti/ziti (github.com). I'd like to use the createBrowZerSystemdFile script so I can enable the service. Was this removed from the git repo at some point?
Hi @apinohixcorp, welcome to the community and to OpenZiti (and zrok and BrowZer)!
You can get the createBrowZerSystemdFile
function from ziti-cli-functions.sh
in two ways:
What's confusing, is that the browzer page you link to makes an incorrect assumption that you've run the "local" or "host it anywhere" quickstart to install the OpenZiti overlay network. If so, the function would then be in your shell... That's definitely an oversight.
Hope that helps, if you need something else let us know, cheers!
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Thank you, I ended up getting it by following your instruction from:
How to install the latest CLI - Building/Development - openziti
But its good to know its there as well. I'm still not seeing where in the BrowZer repo that file exists? I cloned the repo and I couldn't find it in any directory.
In the instructions on the BrowZer installation page, it says:
If you have used the "clone from GitHub" approach, you have sourced the ziti-cli-functions.sh
helper script.
I was confused because the "clone from GitHub" instruction for the BrowZer install doesn't get the helper functions, it's the "host it anywhere" instruction that does so, but it doesn't get it from a repo, it sources it during the expressInstall section. It would be clearer if you just added a line to the Enabling BrowZer with Systemd section that shows how to run the source command.
source <(wget -qO- https://get.openziti.io/ziti-cli-functions.sh); getZiti yes
Or added the file to the BrowZer github repo.
Thank you!
Oh wow. Sometimes it's hard to see things when you're too close to them! That's totally my fault... It's not in the browzer repo, it's in the openziti repo here.
I am gonna go update that stanza accordingly... Sorry about that.
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Oh and FYI I forgot to mention, make sure you have the proper environment variables set (looks like it's just ZITI_HOME). If you used a quickstart there is a .env file emitted as part of running it you can source to put those vars into your shell.
Yeah the environment variables definitely tripped me up a few times, but once I saw the general flow of things it was easy to just re-source the .env. I ended up adding my $wildcard_url to the .env source file as well since that one is needed throughout various steps. That's probably the one that I forgot the most. Thanks again!