Missing ziti-cli-functions?

Thank you, I ended up getting it by following your instruction from:
How to install the latest CLI - Building/Development - openziti

But its good to know its there as well. I'm still not seeing where in the BrowZer repo that file exists? I cloned the repo and I couldn't find it in any directory.

In the instructions on the BrowZer installation page, it says:
If you have used the "clone from GitHub" approach, you have sourced the ziti-cli-functions.sh helper script.

I was confused because the "clone from GitHub" instruction for the BrowZer install doesn't get the helper functions, it's the "host it anywhere" instruction that does so, but it doesn't get it from a repo, it sources it during the expressInstall section. It would be clearer if you just added a line to the Enabling BrowZer with Systemd section that shows how to run the source command.

source <(wget -qO- https://get.openziti.io/ziti-cli-functions.sh); getZiti yes

Or added the file to the BrowZer github repo.

Thank you!